Chapter 75

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Me, Noel and Jimmyi spent most of the summer in Supernova Heights. Half the time the pace was packed and wild, the other it was a quiet family home.

I was getting used to living in London, Alan was there and Liam was always visiting Patsy then turning up at ours unexpected.

"Anyone in?" I heard Liam shout as he strolled through our house, uninvited.

I didn't even know he was in London.

"What's he doing?" I hissed at Noel.

"Come to see us, apparently." he said incredibly nonchalantly.

I was instantly worried he'd walk in on us showering together but Noel wasn't bothered. I shouldn't have cared either but I did, it wasn't like we were doing something we shouldn't.

"Are you upstairs or summet?" he shouted, sounding closer.

I went to turn the water off but Noel stopped me.

"He'll get bored and fuck off if we ignore him." he reasoned.

I didn't want to pretend I knew his brother better than he did but I had a feeling this wasn't a casual visit. "No, he'll wake Jimmyi if he keeps shouting, I think we should see what he wants... Sorry."

I got out the shower and got wrapped in a towel while Noel continued to shower.

"You've not drowned, have ya?" Liam shouted.

"Just a minute Liam." I shouted back as I quickly threw some clothes on and tied my hair in a bun.

He was climbing the stairs when I got out my room to find him.

"Ey up, you're not dead then?" he smirked.

"Hello to you too." I greeted. "Any reason you're here?"

"Just been with Patsy a few days so I thought I'd see my family before I go home." he shrugged.

I suddenly saw his left hand and realised he was wearing a massive ring on his ring finger. I grabbed his hand for a closer look. "What's that?"

"My engagement ring."

"What?" I responded dumbfounded.

"Y'know the ring before a wedding ring."


"The kind of thing you'd be wearing if you hadn't got off with Anna."

It wasn't the concept I was questioning. "I mean what the fuck are you doing wearing one?"

"Me and Patsy are engaged, gonna marry her."


"Are ya gonna say what after everything I say? It's getting fucking boring now." he said impatiently. "We're engaged, we're going to get married."

I narrowly avoided saying what again. "When? When did you get engaged? When are you getting married?" I questioned instead.

"Asked her last night, spur of the moment type thing."

"No way, that ring don't say spontaneous one little bit, a haribo ring is spur of the moment... That thing says months of planning." I denied, there was no way he just went and bought that ring or hers.

I was hurt and I didn't know if it was because he hadn't told me he was going to ask her or because I still wanted him and I absolutely couldn't have him if he was engaged or married.

"You should see her ring if you think this is special."

I knew it, I knew he was only marrying her to splash his cash about. It couldn't be more obvious that she was using him, she had him wrapped around her little finger and he couldn't see it.

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