Chapter 54

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"Oh I've got to go down London tomorrow. For a few days." Noel announced on the last day of July. "I've got to sort some stuff with the house and Creation wants to see us."

"I'll fall out with you if you paint a room sky blue." I jokingly threatened.

"No, No, I've got bills to sort and a tedious meeting, probably about the artwork, again." he said boredly. "I've got no time for decorating, this time."

I got the feeling that he was upto something. It was only two weeks until the first single was released, they should be done with it by now.

"Fine, if you're off to London I'll give my parents a visit, I have to seen them since we told them about this little fella." I patted my bump.

"Are you going to tell them he is a little fella?" he asked with a laugh in his tone.

"I don't know." I hadn't thought about it, I wouldn't have known to be able to tell them if he hadn't been so insistent. "If they promise not to tell Jamie, maybe."

"How mad would you be if I told Our Kid?"

"Very. I'll be livid." I put on a frown. "No, you can tell him. He knows anyway."

"Probably won't. I like knowing something he doesn't." he smirked.


He left early the next morning. I couldn't shake the feeling that he was planning something, even when I got to my parents' house.

"Stacy." Billy answered the door. "How did you get so fat so quick?"

"I'm having a baby, aren't I?" I told him as I walked in the house.

He was ten, I assumed he didn't need it explaining. "So I've got a niece or nephew?" he asked as he carefully shut the door.

"Yeah, a nephew." I got a scan image from my bag and gave it to him. "There he is, your little nephew."

He studied the image before putting his hand on my stomach and asking "He's in there?" The baby kicked for him.

Mum came into the hallway. "Stacy, what are you doing here, today?" she asked.

"I wanted to see you all, wondered if you wanted to go to the beach or something for the day." I explained.

"The beach is too far now but we were about to go to the park." she refused my suggestion. "Weren't we?"

Billy nodded and handed the ultrasound image to Mum. "I've got a nephew, Mum, look."

"Go get your shoes so we can go." Mum told him and he ran upstairs.

"Are you okay? Where's the father?" she questioned quietly, hugging me gently.

"I'm alright, Mum." I was asked how I was way too much now. "Noel's gone to London for a meeting with the record company."

Dad drove us to the park. It looked idyllic today, the sun was shining, the sky was the perfect blue, the grass and the trees were the perfect green. Even the lake looked great. It was like a film scene, I'd never seen the park like this before.

We sat on the grass with a blanket near the lake like we were having a picnic but the only food we'd brought was bread for the ducks.

Billy mostly occupied himself with offering the bread to the ducks, swans, geese and other birds, not really wanting to talk to us.

"Why didn't you go to London with Noel?" Dad asked, he sounded concerned.

"I'm not in Oasis, I can't go to the meetings they've got to have so there'd be no point. Plus I wanted to see yous."

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