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So much for eating out. After Finn and whatever the hell her name was took off I decided to head back home.

I moved back here from c/n for good. I want to make things right.

Here's my side of the story.

When I gave birth to Klaus it was the best moment of my life. All I wanted to do was hold on to him and never let go.

I wanted to smother him with all the love I could ever give him.

But my situation wasn't helping, Finn's family didn't want me anywhere near him and I don't want my dad anywhere near my son.

Because I can't watch him grow up in that kind of environment.

𝟭𝟰 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘀 𝗮𝗴𝗼.

When I held him for the first time and looked at his innocent cute face. I felt guilty. I should be feeling happy but..

I felt like an emotional wreck and I knew I wasn't in the state to raise a child. I knew that if I left him here with finn, he would be given a better life than I was.

Finn was born rich, he had everything handed to him on a silver platter. He'd have everything he would ever need.

He would be given a much better education.. and so much more.

I knew what I would do next would hurt a lot of people. The pain from giving birth was unbearable but I had to do what I should do.

I knew a friend who would pay for my medical care in another hospital anyways.

I sat up from my hospital bed where I was holding my baby and attempted to stand up.

Yeah, the pain is still unbearable. I stood up and slowly walked over to the see through crib the hospital provided me with.

I looked at my baby and I felt even more horrible. "Your dad is going to take amazing care of you. I know he will.. I wish I could take care of you myself." I say as my voice breaks.

I leaned down and kissed his little forehead leaning against it for a while.

Eventually I slowly put him down in the crib. I let so many tears escape my eyes as I walked away from it. And out of the room. I looked back for a little. "Goodbye." I whispered and let one last tear fall.

Away from my own son.

And his father.


And I regret that decision entirely.

I walked into my apartment and took my heels off. I've been standing in these fuckers all day.

The lights suddenly turned on and I got shit scared so I naturally started screaming. "Relax! it's just me" Xavier said crawling (walking) out the shadows.

If that was even possible.

Xavier is my roommate he's 19, don't get any ideas. He's staying with me because he's going to college here and..

His parents worked at my old job before they both died in a car accident when he was 16. I've been watching him ever since basically.

He's usually a pain in the ass but hey. That's life. I call him my roommate because we agreed on it. And it'd be weird if he called me "mom."

Did I mention he has the hots for me? No? Okay.

"Here let me help you with that." He said walking over to me and helping me take my jacket off.

"Thanks Xavier but I can do it myself." I laughed. "Nope. I know you had a bad day. I can see it on your face." He went over and hung my jacket onto the coat rack.

"Oh it wasn't horrible." I went and sat down on the couch to give my feet a break. Xavier went quiet and i furrowed my eyebrows.

"You okay?" I ask in a nervous tone.

"You went out and you saw him again, didn't you?" He said turning his head to me. "Yeah, I mean he didn't want to talk to me so-"

"Y/n why are you still trying to talk to him?" He gets mad whenever I mention Finn around him. And by mad I mean teenage boy jealous.

"I just saw him at the restaurant by coincidence, it was nothing." He scoffed and I rolled my eyes. "Sit down Xavier."

I say patting the spot next to me I leaned on his shoulder and he chuckled. "Finn and I have a son together, you know that." His smiled dropped.

"He's my first love and is the last person I will-" xavier turned to me and I could see the hurt in his eyes.

"But I'm right here, I'll always be here." I sighed and shifted in my seat. "You're too young."

That's when he had enough and stood up storming off to his room. "Xavier, Xavier!"

"Don't bother!"

I then heard a door slam and loud music playing. I knew everytime I talked about Finn it hurt his feelings.

But he's way too young for me, I keep telling him this but he doesn't seem to listen.

I heard a notification go off on my phone , so I picked it up and checked it.

klaus.wolfhard just posted for the first time in a while.

I may or may not have followed him on a separate fake account.

I smiled and checked the post. It's a picture of him and his friends messing around at school.

He looks just like his dad. I scrolled down more and there were more pictures, some of him with Finn.

And there was one of him with.. that woman. That woman that was with Finn.

Who even is she and why is she around my son. I doubt she's Finn's girlfriend he isn't interested in girls like her.

Unless he is.

I scrolled to the next picture and I widened my eyes. It's an old the 3 of them on his 5th birthday..

I let my anger get the best of my and I flung my phone across the room. Probably breaking it but I don't care I need a knew one anyways.

Regret started eating me up more than it was before.  And so was jealousy. I hugged my knees together and did the thing I do best.

Cry until I have no tears left.


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