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Bad luck charm


"Klaus is strong, he's a really tough kid."

Everything was a blur, I'm not just saying that, almost everything was blurry, the paramedics had already taken us to the hospital.

They were doing everything, there was one trying to calm me down and the others pushing him inside on the trolley bed. His eyes were shutting, and it felt like one big fucking nightmare. Ones where if I open my eyes I'm still stuck in.

"He's like Finn, in every possible way."

"Ma'am you have to wait here." A nurse held onto my arm while the other paramedics pushed him to the ER. "But that's my son— I need to go in!"

"He didn't hesitate to jump in front of a shooting gun for me."

"He needs to be operated on immediately because he lost a lot of blood. We can't have you in the operating room I'm sorry but you'll have to wait here for the updat—"

"He's brave."

"Where is he?!" I hear a voice. Before I knew it I was getting shakes left and right. "Sir!" "How's klaus y/n tell me please tell me he's doing okay. What happened?!" I couldn't help it anymore and let a sob escape my lips.

"Sometimes I find it hard to believe like someone like klaus came from someone like me."

"Finn I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He widened his eyes and brought me into a tight hug. "My love, what happened.." His voice was raspy. He's crying. "Why is he in there who did that!" He pulled away from me and looked me directly in the eyes. "Not now.. please.

"It was never our story it was theirs."

Finn sat me down on one of the waiting room chairs and stood next to me. Holding my head against his chest. "Why him, why my boy." I heard Finn sniffle next to me. "I'm gonna kill. Whoever the fuck did this." Finn seethed. My body tensed.

Because I knew that if I told him it was Sam he probably wouldn't believe me, she's helped him with klaus, she's been there for him when I wasn't. Even if she's a fucking psycho.

"I had to leave."

I stared into nothing. Watching as nurses and doctors walked by us, waiting for anything. Anything about our son. I looked up at Finn and he had his eyes tightly shut while he laid his head against the wall.

"I was right all along.."

It was another habit of his he does whenever something bothers him. I've seen it before. "Finn.." I called out. He probably didn't hear me the first time so I called again. "Finn." This time I tugged on his shirt. His eyes shot open and he looked down at me.

"What happened, did the doctor say anything?" He looked around frantically. It had only been a few minutes. But I know how Finn is, in his own world it had probably been hours.

"Things were better without me here."


I don't want the last conversation I had with my kid to be an argument. I never even thought I would picture myself in this position, klaus was never someone to get into trouble, so why was he shot?

Y/n was looking at me with these eyes, I tried to read them but I couldn't get myself past it. Guilt. I saw guilt. Y/n would never lift a finger up to hurt him I know that but why was she feeling guilty.

"I should have never came back." She says quietly. My eyes widened and I instantly went and kneeled down in front of her. Looking at her intently. "Love. What ever happened tonight isn't your fault, it's that damn shooters fault."

"He wouldn't be in this situation if I had just leave you guys alone. If I had just listen.." she was blaming herself. Goddamn it this is not what I need right now. I might lose klaus I can't lose her again too. But wait.

"Listen to who?" I furrowed my eyebrows. Y/n looked to the side, not answering my question. "Y/n, Listen to wh-" "Finn!" A voice called. I looked behind and saw Sam walking fast over to me. "Sam, where were you I called you like so many times!" I stood up.

She grabbed my shoulder and pulled me away from y/n who was glaring daggers at her. "Stay away from her." Sam warned me. "What do you mean— sam for the love of god don't do this right now, my son is being operated on."


Without any of the adults knowing, police officers had walked in the building, catching everyone's attention, including the lady at the desk. They ignored her calls though as they walked closer to what they came here

"Finn, just listen to me for once!" Sam yelled at him. Finn was honestly getting tired of Sams bullshit. He didn't want to do this shit right now he was too tired to argue with her. Y/n was just sitting there, watching the couple in front of her argue back and forth.

That was until she heard her name being called. "Y/n L/n?" Her head whipped to the direction of the voice. She saw 3 officers standing in front of them and wondered what they were calling her for. "Yes?" She blinked.

Sam had a visible smirk on her face and Finn noticed. He looked at them and his heart dropped when they said the next thing. "You're under arrest for the attempted murder of Klaus Wolfhard." Y/n's eyes widened in shock as one of the officers stood her up.

"What—" Finn said, confusion striking every inch of his face. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say, can and will be used against you in the court of law." They brought her hands behind her back and handcuffed her.

"I'm sorry what is happening?" Finn asked one of the officers. But they simply shrugged him off and continued. "You have the right to an attorney, if you cannot afford an attorney one will be provided for you." That's when they started walking outside with y/n in their grasp.

"I'm a bad luck charm. That's me."

She didn't do anything, she didn't say anything, she just kept her head down and kept walking whilst everyone's eyes were on her. She was sure that Sam set her up. There wasn't any other explanation, she was the only one that knew.

Finn tried following them but felt a hand grab his wrist. "Sam let me go." "She's dangerous Finn, i warned you so many times but you didn't listen to me."

Y/n would never purposely get klaus shot it made no sense. But only three people knew what happened today. Y/n, Sam, and klaus. "Y/n is anything but dangerous." He finally yanked his arm out of her grip and ran to the door.

But he was too late. He saw as the police car was driving away and his heart sank more than it already was. What a day, what a fucking day. "Finn Wolfhard." He looked behind him and saw a doctor and Sam standing by the doorway.

"The operation went successfully, and your son is awake."


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