
125 9 17

Grey yard

Happy april fools day, bitches !


Out of anything I expected myself to be doing in the future, never would I see myself taking care of Finn's baby with another woman.

Bella had this twinkle in her eyes like Finn does, she has his little smile that became more apparent as the months go by.

After sam got arrested, Finn got full custody of her and I'll be honest there are times I forget that she's even Sams baby. She's just never given me the aura that she's her mother.

Right now she laid on her play-mat in the middle of the living room whilst I tried to get some episodes of my favorite tv show in because I'm off of work for the week.

My eyes constantly shifted to the boxes around the apartment because they were everywhere and they always remind me that we're still moving.

Finn thought it would be best if we continued with the move, like get a fresh start. Away from everything. But it would take a few months since the court cases for sams arrest are still ongoing and they will be for the next 2 weeks.

It took me a while to notice that the coo's that came from Finn's daughter had stopped. I paused the show and looked down at her on the play-mat to see that she was asleep which was my cue to get up and put her in her crib.

As I made it into the make-do nursery that we made in the last minute, I put her down in the crib and turned on some soft soothing lullabies from the little speaker on the desk.

The baby was adorable, so I just stood there leaned against her crib and admired her. Maybe it's because she's Finn's kid but I grew to love her as if she was my own.

Pretty soon I felt lanky arms snake their way around my waist and a kiss on my neck. "Finn." I whined and turned around to face him.

He had his usual dorky smile on his face that didn't fail to make me smile back every single time. But this time, I think he knew something was up.

"What's wrong my love?" He took a strand of hair out of my face.

Before I had time to speak Malu came running into the room. "Mommy, mommy! Look at what I got from the tooth fairy!" Malu came up to us holding a pink envelope I furrowed my eyebrows and side eyed Finn.

I usually just put a dollar under her pillow and call it a night. She's usually happy with it so I don't know how she got a pink envelope, oh wait I do.


"I think you'll like what she put in the envelope." Finn smiles with so much confidence. "Yeah- let's go out and you can show us we don't wanna wake up Bella."

When we made it downstairs I sat Malu on my lap whilst she giggled and Finn brought her some apple juice.

"Now, what did the tooth fairy get you." Finn sat across from us on the floor as we waited for Malu to open the envelope.

She ripped the thing open and pulled out a bunch of stuff.

"She gave me 50 dollars, glitter, stickers and.. tickets!"

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