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"Klaus, klaus." I rushed into the room and instantly went on my knees by the bed. His eyes looked heavy and all I wished for in that moment was that I would've been in his place. "My boy, how did you get here." My fingers grazed his face.

He slowly turned his head over to me. Looking at me with his weak eyes and turned around again. His eyes slightly searching around the room. The doctor was at the door way and Sam for some reason stayed outside.

I watched him do that for another few seconds, not saying anything until he instantly sat up.

"Mom— where's mom?!" He held his stomach in pain "Woah, woah calm down-" I gently pulled him back onto the bed. "Is she okay?" My heart melted hearing him worry about his mother like this. Her being the first thing he's looking for.

I then recalled the incident from a few minutes ago. My face scrunching up as the horrible memory replayed in my head over and over.

"You're under arrest for the attempted murder of klaus wolfhard."

The look on her face. Her reaction, you could tell she wasn't behind this shooting and I know y/n better than anyone. She wouldn't hurt someone much less her own son, without a good reason to.

"Your mother is.." he looked at me with wide eyes. Hurrying me to continue. However I didn't. "Klaus. Who did this to you." I let the words slip out from my mouth in a harsh manner. Because I sure as hell know it's not y/n.

"You won't believe me if I told you." He pulls his head to the other side of the wall. I furrowed my eyebrows and sat down next to him on the bed. "Dad.." he called again.

"Where's mom." He harshly asks, still not pulling his eyes away from the wall. Before I had time to answer somebody barged into the room. Catching mine and klaus's attention.

"Klaus, my sweet grandbaby you're okay!" My mom came rushing towards him engulfing him into a hug. "Mom be careful he just got out of the operating room."

"Nice to see you too grandma." He pats her back as she gently lets go of him and looks him dead in the eye. "Who did this to you." She scanned each part of his face and arms while he just sat there and stared at me for help.

"I've been asking him that since forever and he won't say." He groaned and laid back into the pillow. "Because you won't believe me!"

I gulped and nudged my mother. Signaling for her to sit down. She obliged and sat down on the couch beside us. I had to brace myself before asking this because I really am praying for the answer to be no. "Was it.. was it your mother?"



"When was I going to hear the news about that woman?! Is she here? Did she hurt my grandson? I'll have her arrested this instant, just say the word—" I cut her off before she could say anything else and turned back to klaus.

"Well? Speak to me boy." "No. It wasn't her. She tried to protect me." My eyes flickered from him to the floor. Trying to avoid his question-filled gaze. "You knew she was back klaus?" "Yeah."

"Dad. I'm gonna ask you again, where. is. mom." "Who. Shot. You."

"It was sam okay?! She came to the old house you and mom used to hang out at and I guess I forgot to turn my location off. She was pointing the gun at her and promised that if I went back home with her she wouldn't hurt her. But at the last minute she changed her mind and pointed it at her again so I jumped in front of it and I got shot instead. Now where is she?!"

I didn't mentally prepare myself for all of that. How could Sam do something like that. She wouldn't for sure. No- god no I need to think. "Mom, watch him for me." I got up and proceeded to walk away from the room both of them calling behind me.

I closed the door from outside and stood there with my hands stuck to the doorknob. I couldn't bring myself to let go, and it felt like the air was escaping my lungs bit by bit. I sighed and walked outside the hospital so I could get a breath of fresh air. "Hey Finn." a cold voice let my name out.

"Why would you- no. How could you." She stood at a safe angle. Tilting her head and smiling at me like a maniac. "I did it for us." She approached me but I took a step back. "You really think there's gonna be an us after this? After you framed y/n and almost made my son lose his fucking life?! Samantha, there is no us. I'm calling the goddamn police and I don't ever want to see you again."

"You can't leave me."

She sounded calm, which made me let out a pained laugh. "Fucking watch me." I attempted to walk away from her because I couldn't stand to be next to this woman right now. The last 12 years with her had been a fucking lie. All a lie.

"Finn you're forgetting that I'm still pregnant with your baby." I stopped in my tracks instantly. "That baby is not mine—" "I have the dna results to prove it." Sam then came up to and placed both of her hand on either side of my face.

"You're stuck with me. And if you dare, let y/n free or tell the police a single thing. I won't hesitate to hurt klaus again." She smiled and moved one hand over to my hair playing with it as she continued speaking. "We're gonna get married and have a family. And she's going to stay far away."

"You wouldn't hurt him.. you wouldn't." "I would kill anyone if it meant being with you. It's just what this is. And if there's a chance she gets out, watch your back. Because we might have to go shopping for a funeral. Remember.."

"I cover my tracks well.."


"Put the print here." I looked at the guard and he nudged me towards the paper. The woman grabbed my wrist and forced the ink off my thumb and onto the paper. Leaving a detailed finger print behind.

"Never thought someone like you would end up in here." She spat, looking me up and down. "Too bad there's no luxury here. Change into this." She reached down, opened a drawer and shoved grey clothing into my grasp before two officers pulled me away.

If I had a choice I would have preferred they just shot me instead of arresting me in front of Finn. I was framed, I know that but my question is how.

"Just so you know I didn't do anything."  We stopped in front of a cell that was secluded away from the other prisoners, probably where they'll keep me for a few days before the court case. "Yeah, that's what they all say."

"Get changing princess, this isn't a glorified spa."


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