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The ways to drive men crazy


For days, days.

Finn tried to talk to me for since our five 4 days ago. He's went from sending me flowers, gifts, texts, calls anything you could name, Finn has done.

And each time he would try my heart soul sink to the bottom of my stomach even more. Because I knew if I gave in I wouldn't be able to look back.

I've even had security look out for him in case he came back to the building again. It would drive Jack and Xavier crazy. Especially since we've been busy arranging the move.

Xavier decided he would just find another college wherever we're going and I agreed. The kill still likes me I can tell. But I know he just doesn't want to be alone again. With taking care of Malu for 2 months while I was in prison until Jack came back.

Back to Finn, I still don't know why I haven't blocked him yet. Maybe it's because I don't want to give up on him that much. I don't want to do this but if it means keeping my son safe I will.

Even if it hurts like shit.

Well today was no different. "Another?" I sighed looking at the wonderful bouquet of flowers, but this time there was no card. "Sorry ma'am he insisted." The security shrugged. "He wouldn't leave until we agreed to at least, and I quote, 'just take the damn flowers'" the other one spoke up.

I groaned and waved them off. "Just- just put them at the back with all the other stuff for the move." They said a quick 'yes ma'am' and scurried away. I put on my sunglasses and started walking out of the building.

Everything honestly went so fast. I went from lost and confused whilst looking for my son, to angry and running away from him again. Of course I don't want to leave him again. I know if he finds out I left again he'll be more than just disappointed. But if it means he's safe.. then I don't care what happens to me.

As I opened the door to my car I felt a hand on my back causing me to squirm away from it. "What the hell!" I turned around and saw two children standing in front of me. "Klaus..?" He was alive, after all. Even if Finn confirmed he was alive there was a small part of me that wanted to see him for myself.

He'd gotten taller, the last time I saw him he was just a bit shorter than me but now he was my height. And he was also fighting for his life at the hospital. His eyes brimmed with tears when he saw my face "Mom." He repeated back.

I quickly dropped all my things from my hand and brought him into a hug to which he hugged back. I was still in shock from seeing him again. "My sweet baby boy." I rocked him in my arms. I heard his sniffles from my shoulder. "I missed you." He said quietly, causing me to let out a tear-filled laugh.

"I missed you too." I stroked the back of his head. His hair was just as soft as Finn's. Sometimes I can't believe there's a mixture of both of us in this world that's this perfect. I knew from the moment I gave birth to him that no one could be as perfect as my son.


Believe it or not it wasn't awkward to stand there and just watch them hug. I've never seen Klaus cry before. I've never seen him this happy before. He looked like he was complete the minute we saw her from a distance whilst walking towards the building where she lived at.

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