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Oh young love


3 months later

I think it's been about 3 months since sams been arrested. And it's been the best 3 months of my entire life.

My parents are happy, mostly because my mother cut off her engagement with Jack and they're together now.

We live at her penthouse because dad said our house brings back too many memories of sam.

We're trying to forget about her and move on with our lives.

This was what I always wanted. Us together, as a family. Me, mom, dad. And I my new siblings, and xavier, I guess.

He's not really happy with the big change but he's glad Jack is gone.

Him and dad are constantly arguing though. About stupid stuff like who watches Malu, or who picks mom up from work or who even gets to use the bathroom first.

Even though there's like 5 bathrooms in that place.

Like right now they're arguing over who is getting to school first, me, or Xavier.

"I'm dropping my son at school first, end of story!"

Dad gripped the wheel whilst Xavier argued back in the passenger seat. "He's a high school student and I'm going to college, how the fuck is that supposed to be fair."

I don't think they realized we've already made it to my high school.


They kept arguing and it was entertaining but now it getting really annoying. "Dad!"

"What?!" Both of them turned around and looked at me with angry eyes.

"We're here." I pointed outside the window where we were just in front of the gate of the school. Dad groaned in frustration as he stopped the car.

"Have a good day."

"I'll try."

I opened the door and stepped outside. Getting a whiff of school air. Almost made me want to gag. I could almost immediately hear the arguing begin again from the car until they drove away.

I rolled my eyes and walked into the gate making my way into school. I walked through the halls over to my locker only to realize it's already been opened.

"What the hell." I whispered.



I turned around and faced Leilah, who was laughing her damn eyes out. "You sound like a little girl when you scream!" It's things like these that make me regret ever telling her my locker combination.

"It is 8 in the morning how do you have so much energy." I groan as I slam my locker shut. Leilah just shrugged and leaned against the lockers. "What class you have?"

"Don't know, don't care." I started rubbing my eyes because my vision was still blurry. I'm still sleepy goddamn-

"Hey guys!" A voice startled me awake instantly. And when I saw it was Sofia I don't know what came over me I stood up straight and tried to fix my hair.

"Klaus you okay?" She asks, chuckling a little. "Yeah I'm fine."

"What do you want Sofia." Leilah asked in an annoyed tone. It makes me mad the way she speaks to her sister honestly, but I don't know why. Leilah was always mean to Sofia, so why do I care about it now.

"I literally just came over here to tell you that mom and dad are busy after school. So we have to walk ho-

"Sofia, you have got to stop running so fast." A guy approached us and he was panting. "Isaac it's not my fault that you have noodle legs." She shot back.

So this is Isaac..

"Huh?" Leilah blinked.

"I was just saying we have to walk home after school."

My eyes were glued to this boy she was with. He looks like a nerd. Glasses, I noticed he sort of has braces and very lanky. I know I'm lanky but still.

How does Sofia.. hang out with that without wanting to bleach her eyes.

"Let's go Isaac, bye klaus." When she said goodbye to me it made me want to take her into my arms and never let her go. Her voice was so..

I didn't even notice that they were already heading out, probably to their side of school.

"Earth to Santa Klaus!" Leilah made me snap out of my daze yet again. That's been happening a lot lately. Especially when I'm with Sofia.

I can't control it, it's like, every time I see her I wanna melt. Which is was I always felt with Leilah. "Remember me?" She cocked an eyebrow.

"We have class, let's go." Leilah nodded her head to the direction of the stairs. I hummed but before I went I saw Sofia turn around and smile at me. Her dimples showing even from afar.

What the hell is wrong with me?!

I wanted to turn into water and evaporate into thin air. "Oh for heavens sake-" Leilah grabbed my arm and started dragging me in the opposite direction.

At lunch I sat outside with my friend group, not really caring what they had to say since Leilah was doing all the talking.

My eyes weren't even focused on them anyways. I was more looking to a different direction every now and then. It would piss me off every time they would laugh because I couldn't hear was Sofia was saying to Isaac.

They were alone and he was helping her with something. It looked like they were painting. Everytime he would look down at her I would squeeze my water bottle as if it bothered me.

"Klaus, okay what do you think?" I snapped out of it for the probably 1000th time today when one of my friends called my name. "Huh, yeah?" I shook my head.

"Why are you so out of it lately?" My friend, Tabatha questioned. "Nothing.." my eyes travelled back to the two that were 4 tables away.

And he had his hand on her shoulder. I didn't realize that I squeezed the bottle so hard that juice started dripping onto my clothes. "Shit!"

"Klaus are you o-"

"I'm fine!" I stood up from the table and ran to the bathroom. When I got there I looked at my shirt which let me clarify was white, and it was stained with red koolaid.

But I wasn't worried about that, the image of him touching her is still in my head and it won't go away.

"What the hell is wrong with me."


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