💕nightmares(bob x female reader!)💕

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Your pov:I walked inside my house looking for my bf he's probably out sense it's Halloween he never wants to stay home and hang out with me he's gonna get caught then I have to break him out again I walked up the stairs while putting my hair up I walked into my room to see Bob on the bed I put the candy down and got dresses into my costume I'm surprised he isn't out doing what he usually does I got finished putting on my costume and headed down stairs with the candy I gave out candy for a while as I shut the door I felt hands wrap around my waist "y/n~" hmmm you hummed as you turned around looking at him"I'm bored "wanna watch a movie and eat the rest of the candy right as I said that he started drooling ima take that as a yes come on big boy you said walking to the couch come here you said opening your arms to were he can cuddle with you

Bobs pov:I sat down and put her on my lap and cuddled her hey y/n" yeah dear"are you ever gonna get tired of me"no never I could never even if you eat people "I love you darlin" I love you to dork now what do you wanna watch "how about Spongebob" alrighty then"we sat and cuddled for a while until she fell asleep I picked them up and walked into are room I laid them on the bed as I tried to walk away she grabbed my hand and pulled me down onto the bed "don't leave stay here you can wait to eat people until tomorrow can't you "yeah ig I said cuddling up to her as I soon fell asleep *in his dream*stop what is go- y/n you called the cops" I never liked you it was all just a plan to get you back to jail dumbass nobody could ever love you "that's true I said looking down nobody ever could but that doesn't mean I can't love and I'll always love you y/n it was fun while it lasted I will be back for you you can't escape me I said as they out me in the car I felt tears form in my eyes I knew she didn't actually like me I was so dumb to believe that *end of dream*i woke up by y/n shaking me

Your pov:babe... Babe are you ok why are you crying"...... " babe pls tell me you said hugging him "you called the cops on me...and told me nobody could ever love a freak like me" oh hun I could never do that to you I love you way to much and your not a freak sure you may kill and eat people but that doesn't bother me I love you for you I will never call the cops on you bob"are you sure"ofc I am dork you said kissing his forehead and playing with his hair until he slowly fell asleep I soon fell asleep to

A/n ok ok it's short and it sucks I'm gonna make the next one better ok don't come for me 😅 and sense this was absolutely ass I'm gonna post the other one shot after this one to make up for it

bob Velseb x reader (one shots) Where stories live. Discover now