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your pov:I walked through the town on Halloween night looking for someone I found him were he usually worked at hey Kevin "hey y/n how are you I see you finally got out of that mental hospital" yeah it sucked this one lady there called me a whore so I slit her throat"how"magic also don't worry I would never kill you or your bf y'all are my best friends hey this may seem crazy but I feel like someone has been watching me ever sense I've gotten out "look your crazy but I'm not gonna say you don't bc idk if you do but there is like a 50 percent chance someone is" true I said as to lil kids came in they were known around the town as the spooky kids not bc they were creepy they weren't at all but it was bc they loved October or as they called it spooky month there names were skid and pump

Nobodies pov:you felt the feeling get worse of like the person was getting closer but you brushed it off as something your brain made up "hey kev can we get are candy"the boys said" oh no I want y'all out y'all have givin me nothing but hell you gave me fake suger you got me attacked by your doll and not to long ago god blood everywhere that took me all day to clean up and that that's trouble"the candy boy said pointing out the window "I fucking knew it" you said "kids why is he following y'all" Kevin said"we don't know"you looked at the boys then back at the demon out the window as he came inside you hid the boys behind you "go away you freak" you said staring into his eyes as you took out a a knife as you saw he had one "what are you gonna do slice my throat like you did to the nurse" he said"how do you know that"you said"I've been watching darlin'"he said

Your pov:he charged at me but I pushed them out the way then jumped over him and stabbed him in the head aha I said as he turned around "oh wow " get out side you three "kids go now "I listened as I heard the back door shut I dropped my knife and walked over to him I grabbed his knife and walked behind him getting on the counter and snapped his neck as he fell I stared at him damn I said sitting on the desk after a minute he got up but I was on my phone when all of a sudden my phone was thrown and I was pinned down on the counter I felt my face heat up " nice try darlin your cute when you try"oh yeah"yeah"kiss me then I said as he kissed me we kissed passionately he licked my bottom lip I opened up my mouth and let him enter are tongues danced together I moaned into the kiss soon we broke apart he had let go of my arms a while ago I sat up as he kissed my neck he sucked  licked and bit my neck I moaned a lot until we heard police sirens shit I said then it hit me Kevin never left he only let the kids go out the back I turn over to see Kevin staring at us he was obviously scared

Nobodies pov:Bob took your hand and ran through town until y'all got to a old abandoned building he licked you up bridal style and brought you into a room with a bed he threw you on pulling off your cloths only leaving you in your bra and underwear he kissed you neck as you moaned out his name as he found your sweet spot he soon stopped and kissed down your neck trailing all the way to your breast her massaged one and licked sucked and bit the other you moan out in pleasure gripping the bed sheets he kissed and trailed down to the lining of your panties he pulled them down taking them off he out his hands on your thighs spreading them out he then went back to kissing you but also rubbing your clit

Your pov:I moaned into the kiss and gripped the bed sheets he trailed down to my thighs and shoved his face right were my clit was he licked it AH~ i moaned out I grabbed his hair and ran my fingers through it I felt as he licked my hole and shoved his tongue in it I swung my head back oh fuck~i moaned out as he thrusted in with his tongue I felt my climax coming but he stopped and stood up I whimpered at the loss of contact I looked at him as he pulled his pants down with his boxers as he lined himself up he slammed into me he waited for me to adjust soon I wiggled my hips to signal for him to start he slowly thrusted in and out gradually going faster "fuck your so cute with your moans darling~" I couldn't speak as he started to hit my g spot I flipped us around to were I'm on top I started to bounce faster and faster as my moans got louder I kept bouncing as he kissed me and went down to my neck I moaned as he bit the sensitive spot he flipped us back around and thrusted faster and harder into me

Nobody's pov:he thrusted faster and harder than before all that could be heard were mostly moans with a lil bit of clapping (I won't do it ok i lied if your happy and you know it clap your hands) you were about to cum as he kept thrusting in and out "holy shit~" you moaned out as you cummed he kept going as he thrusted in and out still you gripped the sheets and started moaning uncontrollably he bit down your  neck and down to your breast he bit one while massaging the other one soon he cummed and he pulled out and pulled you close cuddling you "god I love you" he said"I love you to my lil demon "you said kissing him

A/n hi ugh I hate this one but sense I wrote it I'm still gonna keep it 🥱

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