💔we are not the same💔

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your pov:I walked into the house and quietly shutted the door I walked up the stairs quietly and opened my room door slowly Bob was asleep on the bed I tip toed over to the bed and laid down trying not to wake him up I stared at the ceiling until I slowly fell asleep*the next day*i woke up to Bob gone I guess he went out *ring ring*hello"y/n I swear to fucking god if you don't get your ass over here it's your fathers birthday you better be over here in 20 minutes"yes ma'am "good" she hung up and I got up and got dressed and walked out the house and got into my car *when she got there*i knocked on the door and my mom answered "get in here and say happy birthday to your father you brat" yes ma'am happy birthday dad"whatever "...ok then" did you get me a gift"no I'm sorry I didn't have enough time I've been busy"what! "I was yanked back and I landed on the ground and my mom smacked me" get out of my house you disrespectful child idk why you act like this when all we did was care for you "ok that's it I'm fucking done you never cared you fucking abused me and you still fucking do idk why I came over here maybe it's bc your my parents and I hoped y'all changed but I should have known y'all wouldn't I say walking out of the house and getting into my car

Nobodys pov:you drive away you decided you weren't gonna go home yet so you decided to go to the park you sat at the park for a couple of hrs until you decided to go home it was now 11 at night so you were sure Bob was asleep he usually is at this time when you got to the house you quietly opened the door and slowly crept to the you turned on the light and quietly opened the fridge you heard foot steps so you shut the fridge and went to turn off the lights but Bob came in" did I wake you up I'm sorry pls don't hit me I didn't mean to wake you up"you said backing up "hey woah I'm not gonna hit you and you didn't wake me up I wasn't even sleeping what do you mean by hit are you ok darling"

Your pov:I ran past him and up the stairs into my room and locked the door I hid under the bed *knocking*"darling are you ok "I didn't answer I stayed still and quite "pls answer me ik how you feel" we are not the same you are a cannibalistic serial killer and I'm a girl who's been abused all her fucking life "...... " I didn't mean to say that I didn't wanna say that idk why I said it I said getting out from under the bed and crawling over to the door "do you wanna talk about it hun" kinda"well I'm here to listen"well when I was younger my parents always abused me they would drag me throw me out side or hit me a lot soon I started cutting I even tried to kill myself in many ways but for some reason it never worked I would always wake up back in my bed I would stay at the park to hide away from the house and earlier today I went over there bc it was his birthday and I was yanked by my hair and smacked across the face I was called disrespectful idk why I even went over there maybe there was a part of me what thought they would have changed that just proves how dumb I am "hey your not dumb you just forgive easily" maybe I do I said as I stood up and unlocked and opened the door

Nobodys pov:you hugged Bob while crying "it's gonna be ok your free now you don't have e to see them at all darling" he said in a soothing voice "and your right we aren't the same but I will forever protect you my dear" he said hugging you back "come on let's get you to bed " he said picking you up and entering the room"I'm not tired tho"you said "you need rest dear you haven't been sleeping a lot I've noticed you go missing until 4 in the morning you need sleep darling" he said laying you in bed"fine but can we cuddle then "you said stretching out your arms " ofc good night darling "he said as you slowly fell asleep in his arms

A/n this one sucks and I'm tired and idk anyways bye children

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