💕⭐because your still beautiful⭐💕

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your pov:I walked into my house and realized it was Halloween omg it's my favorite time of the yr what should I dress up as I need to buy a costume back outside I go then I opened the door stepping back outside I walked down the road and to a costume store what should I be there's nothing really good sense I waited last minute hmm I could be a vampire oh this is a great one plus I can be twins with streber he's one of my many friends by many I mean I only have two kevin and streber I went to the front and bought the costume I already had fake teeth left over from the last time I was a vampire I walked out of the store and back home *later *I had my costume on it was a little revealing but not to much I fixed my hair and out on my shoes then walked out of the house and down the road

Nobodys pov:you walked down the road and turned the corner to see a haunted house which is where you were heading you walked onto the porch and saw streber coming out of the house"ah y/n I haven't seen you in a while I love your costume "he said hugging you" we saw each other 4 days ago streber also thanks I didn't know what to be so I kinda just chose a vampire"you said hugging him back you had this feeling of being watched you just brushed it off "well wanna check out the house" he said pushing you towards the door"well ig it won't hurt to "you day walking through the door you usually aren't scared so this wouldn't be scary you walked through and people kept jumping out you didn't even flinch once maybe that's the percs of being whateva the hell you were you never really figured it out you just knew you could turn into a creepy figure it was pretty cool well atleast for you

Your pov:I stepped out the house to see streber on the floor covered in blood streber? "...." I pulled out my phone and called 911" 911 what's your emergency "my friend he's dying idk what happened but I came out and he's on the ground covered and blood and is missing his forearm " ok pls calm down where are y'all"we're at ************ on ******** st "ok we have someone on there way out there it should take 10 minutes does your friend still have a heartbeat" yeah but he's closing his eyes streber don't you dare close your eyes kevin will kill me if he knew I just let you die "ma'am are y'all ok" oh shit I need to talk to kevin I heard a ambulance and hung up when they got here they took him away I walked off man I just want some candy and to go home it's been a stressful night I walked to the candy store and stepped in hey kev"hey y/n..."look ik I'm covered in blood and that's another reason why I'm here I was hanging out with streber whe-

Nobodys pov:kevin stood up walked out from behind the counter as two kids came I'm"no no no no no no you two need to go everytime y'all are here you bring trouble"he says staring at them"but kevin we just want are candy cane"one of the little boys say"you bring me trouble like the time you got me attacked by your doll or gave me super and not long ago got blood all over the place that took all day to clean and that that's trouble ugh"he stepped back with the kids behind him as a big devil guy came in

Your pov:ugh kids why is that man following you"we don't know he's been following us for a while"I watched as kevin poured candy onto the ground trying to make the guy slip but resulted in him slipping ok everyone out the back now the kids helped kevin up and ran out the back shutting the door "did you kn-" look I'm gonna stop you there Bob why are you following me "oh you always were a smart one darling" I told you to stop calling me that and why are you following those kids"it's a long story"yeah sure I turned back to normal and sat on the counter why do you call me darling and beautiful when I turn into that weird creepy figure"bc your still beautiful no matter what my dear"I felt my face heat up and I looked down playing with my fingers he lifted my chin up and made me look at him"you know you will always be beautiful to me and I'll love you forever"but why I turn into a creature with a tail fangs and nails why do you still love me "bc I just always will hun"

Nobodys pov:Bob looked down at you and hugged you"I love you to"you said hugging him back you pulled away from the hug and kissed him passionately he wrapped his arms around your waist as you put your hands around his neck he licked your bottom lip and you opened your mouth a bit letting him slip his tongue in you both heard a door open behind and you both pulled away and looked at the scared kevin at the door "I can explain I swear I can" you say pushing Bob away and standing up walking towards kevin "back up wtf are you and who are you" he said grabbing the door handle"it's me kevin it's y/n I'm me I always have been idk what the fuck I am But I promise you it's not what it looks like ok so maybe we were making out but I swear I'm still me"you say standing a foot away from him"kevin put the phone down you know what fuck this let's get out of here Bob" you grabbed his hand and ran out

Your pov:shit where do we go"I know let's go to my place"I felt him pick me up and run towards the forest he ran through the woods until we got to his house he opened the door and sat me down "there they won't find us here" sorry about that"it's ok"I pulled him down and kissed him again more passionately than last time He pulled me onto his lap and licked my bottom lip I opened my mouth to were he could slide his  tongue in he ran his hands up my back making me arch my back a bit he broke the kiss and started to kiss my neck ugh~ I moaned out he bit down on my shoulder I moaned a bit louder as he sucked and licked the new wound he took off my shirt  bra  and pants he kissed my boob and massaged the other one he slowly kissed down my stomach and to my underwear  he looked up at me and I nodded my head he slowly slide my underwear down  he licked my clit making me moan more he inserted his tongue in my hole I arched my back letting out a gasp I gripped his hair that my hand was in he slowly thrusted in and out with his tongue slowly going faster I bit my bottom lip trying to not be so loud f-fuck i-im go-gonna c-cum

Nobodys pov:right as you moaned that out you cummed he licked his lips and sat up climbing on top of you he kissed you again but was only a short kiss he took off his clothes and climbed back on top of you he slowly inserted himself in he waited for you to adjusted you wiggled your hips after a while signaling for him to start moving he slowly thrusted in and out gradually going faster he licked your neck and lightly bit into it "ngh~" you moaned a bit from the pain and the pleasure soon he started to hit your g so it going faster making you moan more he licked your new wound he kissed you again and you could taste a bit of blood mixed with saliva you didn't really mind you moaned into the kiss as he kept hitting your g spot "fu-fuck I'm g-g-gonna cu-ugh~" right as you moaned most of it out you cummed he kept going for a while until he cummed inside of you he pulled out and hugged you

Your pov:fuck that was amazing "so you love me" ofc I do dumb ass *knocking*oh shit I stood up and got dressed and so did he "POLICE OPEN UP"fuck it's the cops what are we gonna do " don't be dumb your litterly a creature and I'm a cannibal will just kill th-"*bang*shit "put your hands up" I raised my hands up and so did Bob"what are you doing "shh watch this I turned into the talk creature and ran at them " oh shit ok "

A/n I'm sorry this took me forever to do I've been stressed and not in the best state of mind and I've been trying to write this one and ik this sucks I was never really into the mendela catouloges and never really watched it or got into so it also sucks bc of it so sorry about that I hope this is good enough :]

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