💕lover boy~💕

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your pov:hmmm should I choose this dress or this one ig I'll go with this one it's cute anyways and I'll take these oooooo and these gloves they will match I went to check out "ooo is this for something special" Mhm I'm going on a date with my bf "that'll be 50,00$" here"have a wonderful day and have a great time at you date "I will also have a good day I said walking out and went home bob wasn't there instead I found a note that read for this is not just are usual date you must find it for a prize darling the first clue is in a room where you do your business  oh this is easy it's my office I walked up stairs got dressed and went to my office and saw a note on my laptop that read all these clues won't be easy your next clue is were there is two of you what does that mean two of me there is no to of me is there I searched up where can you see two of yourself and I'm dumb asf it's a fucking mirror I went to a mirror and saw it taped above it read I see you found it your next clue my sweet angel is were we first met it's a sweet place full of.... What ok so were did we first meet oh the candy shop

Nobodys pov:you walked out the house and to candy club When you got there you went inside and saw kevin" here y/n this is yours some guy told me to give it to you when you got here"kevin said "oh thanks" you grabbed the note and opened it it said congrats your close to the surprise dear your next clue is were you use to hide when you were upset at the world  you put the note in your pocket and walked out yk exactly were you walked to the park and climbed a tree and sweet the note there you grabbed it but slipped and tore your dress you had also fallen onto your ass "ow fucking tree making me fall and tearing up my dress " you said looking down and ripping it more which was fine bc it looked good you managed to make it a short dress

Your pov:I opened the note and read one more clue and youll be there in no time darlin'  your next clue is where trees grow and the more you go into it the more darker it gets follow a trail and into a tree is your next clue  oh the forest I dusted myself off and walked man my ass hurts from falling I walked down a trail and looked at the trees i found a tree house I wonder how long it's been here and why I never seen it I climbed up the leader and saw the note in the middle of the room I picked it up your so close this will lead you there look up at the stars do you see the big dipper  (idfk don't ask) follow it until you find a open area ill be there  ok I got down and looked up oh this is easy I followed it and saw a open space with a crystal clear Lake and there was a blanket candles food roses and Bob was sitting near it all "I see you made " what is all this"I wanted to make this date special "aw Bob you didn't have to " your dress? "Oh this I fell off a tree and ripped it I also think I broke my ass

Nobodys pov:you sat down and hugged Bob making him fall over y'all looked at each other then laughed " I love you Bob"you said "I love you to darling now let's eat"Bob said sitting up and placing you in his lap wrapping his arms around you y'all ate the food then decided to play hide and seek and Bob was the seeker first

Your pov:ok read start counting I said as I watched him cover his eyes then I ran and climbed up a tree till I reached the top "ready or not here I come" eeek I hope he doesn't find me I felt like slipping but caught myself hopefully he didn't hear the branch break "I found you darling" damn it I climbed down and got ready to count ready or not here I come I walked around and couldn't find him let's see are you over here I looked behind the trees and found him  found you! "Alright my turn" he covered his face with his hands and I ran and jumped into the water and sank myself down ig he was already looking hopefully he doesn't find me I opened my eyes to see he jumped in I moved out the way and he grabbed me lifting us up hahaha you found me"I did why did you hide in the water it's cold out"im fine it wasn't that cold plus my make up may be ruined but I still look nice "you always do "I love you lover boy~

A/n idk I just wanted to make something cute sense I wrote 2 angst for the last to next one is gonna be smut so be ready for that anyways bye children 

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