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your pov:yes sir but do I have to work with those dipshits I mean if they can barely catch him why can't I just find him myself"bc you can use some help now go "ugh fine I walked out the mayors office with the two other police officer Jack and John I got in my car and waited for the two to get in look I don't need you 2 to fuck this up you can help but if y'all chase him off I'm gonna get pissed I said as they got in the car " whatever "look some of us actually in joy are job and actually do it correctly unlike you to " we take it seriously "Mhm sure whatever I said as I started to drive " come in y/n come in"what is it shannon "we need you at ****-*****-*** there's supposedly a break in and the girl says the person is trying to murder them" I'll be there in a sec I say as I drove faster *when they got there*i got out the car with Jack and john and knocked on the door "he's in the attic pls hurry" ok ma'am just calm down you to stay down here with her I got this

Nobodys pov:you walked up the stairs and into the attic you looked around and found nothing you walked down stairs annoyed "I found nothing ma'am "you said walking out the front door then turning around " I saw him he was the guy who tried to attack me last Halloween "the girl said " ma'am he's not in there so just stay inside tonight "you said patting her shoulder" omg he's after the kids......hes after the kids! "She said running out the house" ma'am pls get back here "all three of you yelled

Your pov:we ran after her after she tackled a guy woah there miss calm down" wtf is wrong with people "sorry about her I say as I dragged her back to her house ma'am just stay inside we will find your kids" ugh fine"we got back in my car and drove away we stopped at the candy club to ask kevin some questions look you to stay out here I'll be back I said getting our the car and walking in he kev"y/n you ok"yeah just came to ask a few questions "ugh sure did I ugh do something" no I was wondering if you seen a guy dressed up as the devil and he has a knife "oh I saw him he tried to attack me skid and pump" you have! "Yeah why" kevin that's the cannibalistic serial killer "oh oh no" we're did the-"AHHHHH"wtf was that

Nobodys pov:you ran outside and didn't see anything but kept hearing screaming you followed the noise to a ally way you peak and see nobody so you walked down the ally way as you walked halfway through the ally you heard your car go off you run out the ally way and see a kid throwing rocks right as the kids saw you it yelled for the other kids and ran "you know what I don't have time for this" you said as you heard more screams

Your pov:I ran down the ally way but fell with a loud thud god damn that hurt I say getting up and dusting myself off I look up to see non other than the criminal I was shoved against the wall with my hands above my head "did you know" I'm gonna stop you there let me go! "What are you going to do" don't test me"what if I want to"I rolled my eyes and head butted him as he stumbled back I fell and tried to run but was yanked by my hair gah! "Now now it's not nice to hurt people" says the cannibal I say looking up at him and smiling "you know your kinda cute" thx"you know I think I'll keep you for a bit"hey woah what you know what idgaf I don't get payed enough plus ig those idiots are any help they will actually help

Nobodys pov:bob picked you up and swung you over his shoulder and started walking you kinda just stayed still and relaxed you heard running and guessed it was jack and John you kinda just went limp so they didn't think you were going with him on your own free will I mean you were but you didn't want them to know so you kinds just pretended to go limp "Y/N! " you felt bob turn around as he heard John yell for you he lightly sat you down and you fell back into the ground pretending to be knocked out you heard running after a couple of seconds and screaming you sat up and opened your eyes to see they were gone bob came back and swung you over his shoulders you felt your face heat up bc he had you sitting on his shoulders kinds like a piggy back ride you giggled and Patted his head he looked up and his smile grew you smiled back as he looked straight forward again you wondered were he was taking you it was very dark out granted it was 3 in the morning you could care less tonights been exciting and will be more exciting you were snapped out of your thoughts when you were grabbed and held bridal style you felt your face heat up and covered your face with your hands "well isn't someone just a blushing mess" he said teasingly

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