💔thats not true💔

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Your pov:I woke up at 4 in the morning I rolled over to see Bob asleep I got out of bed quietly and grab my hoodie I walked down the stairs slowly I put on my shoes and opened the door once I shut it I started to walk down the side walk I walked up the hill and into a house I looked around to see nobody I knocked on the ground and was grabbed and dragged under the house hello eyes"hello y/n "look so ik you work for that cult but I need your help " you know I can't "yes ik but just this once pls were best friends and all I need you to do is make them see the stars pls" fine who is it "his name is max and I need it to be done by Tomorrow night I'll even pay you have the 5,000$" alright then but you should get going come back tomorrow night around 5:30 in the morning no earlier the cult will be here but I'll have the body "alright thanks I said as she put me back in the house I stood up and walked out and went home *the next day" I woke up around 5:35 ok so I'm five minutes later what's the big deal I grabbed my hoodie and put on my shoes and started my walk there

Bobs pov:I woke up to y/n missing I heard the front door close and looked at the window to see her walking down the road and I decided to follow her I walked out the house and followed her in the shadows it's not like her to be out at this hr it's weird especially sense she was asleep at 5 sense I got home then from the meeting I followed her into the house that me and the other cultists meet I snuck in the house and hid in a room

Your pov:I knocked on the ground and got dragged under again hey eyes"hey y/n your bodies should be over there "thanks so how was listening to that dumb meeting" boring as always but you get used to it tho "damn well I should get going " alright bye"bye I said grabbing the body as she put me back in the house I heard creaking so I dropped the body and looked around to see Bob oh ugh hey hun "What do you got there" oh this it's a fake prop sense Halloween is coming up"that's a lie how do you know about eyes what are you doing up "i-i-ugh I took a deep breath in trying to think of a good excuse ok look I met eyes one night when I was drunk there eyes never affected me and we became friends and I asked for a small favor and that's it " really bc it seems to me you might be trying to destroy the cult"what? No that's not it at all"y/n ik when your lying "I'm not that's not true I swear Bob wait-i was grabbed and dragged back underground " you said we wouldn't get caught "look I didn't know he was fallowing me I swear eyes now let go I need to go find him" fine but we need to talk afterwards "fine just let me go I said as they put me back in the house I grabbed the body and swung it over my shoulder I walked behind the house and down the hill into the woods behind I walked into a cabin and dropped the body " I see you g-"shut it I want my 5000$ now and then I don't want another task until I figure some shit out "I see he found out" how did you"I have my ways darling "don't call me that give me my god damn money so I can go find him I said snatching the money out of his hand

Nobodys pov:Bob walked into his house and sat on his bed thinking he was to angry to think so he punched the wall creating a hole in it you on the other hand walked out of the cabin with the money in your pocket your priority rn was to find Bob and explain what happened that's if he wants to fucking listen you were so mad that he didn't even give you a chance to explain yourself you love that man to death but god can he be a big baby but that's one thing you liked about him he wasn't afraid to show emotions except for sad but even then you could tell when he was upset you started running down the road until you barged into your house you looked everywhere but couldn't see Bob you looked all around town but couldn't find him that's when it dawned on you maybe he was at the leaders house you walked up the steppes and knocked " hello isn't it late for a young girl like you to be out at 6 in the morning "1 I ain't little 2 shut up 3 is Bob here " no he's not why do you need him"nun your business "if you want I can track him down " really "yes come in " you followed him in you were suspicious of why he asked for you to come in that's when he opened his computer and started typing her turned it around and showed you bobs location "he's right there in the Abandon house " omg thank you so much"you said as you ran out of the house and into the woods you ran and tripped over a tree branch it hurt like hell but you got up and kept running until you got to the house

Your pov:I kicked in the locked door and heard banging up stairs I ran up them and into the room to see Bob "what do you want " I want you to let me explain "ok go on" look I wasn't trying to destroy the cult I'm an assassin and I needed eyes to help me get this one so I could get this I said showing him the money and I kept it a secret bc I didn't want you to worry you get over protective some time babe and I should have told you anyways I would never destroy the cult bc your friends are there pls believe me "I'm sorry darlin' I didnt let you explain I'm sorry for being over protective" no I love you when your over protective just not over over protective hun I love you "I love you to how about we go home" and take a nap I'm tired also you have a chip in you that's how I found you I went to the cult leader you might wanna get that out of your arm tho "I will later for now let's get some sleep"

A/n this one sucks but Im bored and watching South Park bigger longer and uncut with my 8 yr old cousin gotta teach the young am I right 😎

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