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your pov:I'm here"sit pls"ok"so I have someone for you to kill his name is Bob velseb are client want him dead by next Tuesday "ok" but are client also said you must take this amulet thing out of his chest so your gonna have to figure that out he also said that he's a cannibalistic serial killer so watch out"got it can I like go now "yes you may"I got up out the chair and out of his office his this is gonna be a huge deal I can't fuck this up I walked out of the building and got into my car I slammed my hand on the wheel I better be getting payed a lot for this shit bc I swear if I die or get eaten
(I mean😏) I started my car and drove out the parking lot and drove home when I got there I got out my car and went in to get dressed

Nobodys pov:you went to your room and got dressed into a crop top shorts and tights you out the rights on under your shirts and grabbed a hoodie you put on your shoes and went back out side welp your boss said that he comes out the most on Halloween and Halloween is tonight so you just went to hang out with streber just incase well first kevin you really did want some candy first you started your walk to the candy shop when you got there you went inside to see kevin" oh hey y/n"he said staring at you"oh hey kev I'm just here for some candy how have you been"you asked while grabbing a bag and grabbing candy"oh I'm good how have you been we haven't hung out in a while"he asked looking back at you"I'm doing good for once and ik w e haven't hung out in a while hey ik why don't you close shop up early this yr and you me and streber hang out at his haunted house"you say walking to the counter"idk if so hey Rick you mind watching the shop something ugh came up I'll be back tomorrow tho also that will be 6.50" he said yelling to the man in the back

Your pov:hell yeah let's go I said after paying I grabbed the bag and his hand and headed to streber haunted house when you got there you walked up on to the porch "hey you/n hey kev" streber! "What's up guys" oh we just came by to hang with you while you work I also bought us are favorite candy "well it does sound fun" it really does so I have a real question for both of you"ugh us"Mhm are you to oh you know dating "what! " what I thought y'all were if you aren't it's really obvious "I mean sure I like kevin he's nice sweet handsome and has a adorable smile " ooo~"you really think so"hehe"yeah ig I do like you"ok both of you kiss I say shoving kevin into streber making them kiss woops was that me

Nobodys pov:they both got up off the ground helping each other up "so like y'all official now" you say"idk"streber said as he went back in y'all heard little kids running up the porch "welcome kids to the Hauntiest house ever" you and kevin watched as he flipped his cape over his head and pushed then towards a mirror "now go in and get spooked" you watched as they ran inside and streber fix his bow tie and a guy come up behind him you looked really close at him and noticed it was the guy you were meant to kill

Your pov:I stood on the railing and took out a pocket knife and stabbed the guy as he grabbed streber he threw me off his back making me fly back and hit my back kevin grab streber and run"ok! "I watched as they ran away from him as I got back up Dusting myself off I run at him but miss when he moves out the way" oh come on your the one trying to kill me"wait how the-"how did I know I've been following my so called friend can't believe he's trying to get me killed"look your hot I would love to get to know you and everything but you know I kinda have a job to do "oh darling I'll kill you first" will see about that I jumped at him and stabbed him in his chest and stuck my hand in his chest and grabbed something warm and metallic I pulled out a amulet and stood back man this is what keeps you alive I say waving it in his face as he falls to his knees I out it back in his chest and it healed fast

Nobodys pov:he looked at you weirdly "what? " you say looking down at him"what was that for"he said "well you said you would kill me first and by what it seems I almost killed you first but your to hot to be killed and you seem like a nice guy well if you take away the killing and the being a cannibal" you say patting him on his head then helping him up "is it ok if I ugh hug you sorry if it's weird you just seem like a big teddy bear" you say looking down you feel someone grab you and pick you up and hugging you you hugged back as he started to walk you didn't care you just fell more into the hug he's like a big soft teddy bear

Your pov:I looked over his shoulder to see we were in the woods and at a house he opened the door and placed me in hmm it seems cozy here "well welcome to my home darling" I felt my face beat up at the name it made me feel weird and  not complain I felt him push me up against the wall and stair at me "well aren't you just a blushing mess you must really like this" I looked away trying not to make any noise he grabbed my chin and made me look at him "look at me when I'm speaking" o-ok I felt my knees get weak and I started to get wet oh god I felt his lips on mine and I kissed back grabbing him by his sweater deepening the kiss he grabbed me by my waist pulling me in I wrapped my arms around his hand and tangled my fingers in his hair he sat us down on the couch and sat me in his lap not even breaking the kiss he licked my bottom lip and I opened my mouth letting him slide his tongue in

Nobodys pov:your ran your hands through his hair until y'all both pulled away from each other to breath you felt Bob get harder underneath you you rubbed up against him moaning a bit "well s-somebodys h-horny~" he said starring at you "mmm~ it s-seems like i-its your f-f-fault~" you said still rubbing up against him"well then b-beg for i-its"he says holding your hips making you stop in the process "b-bob pls " you whimperd out "what was that you gonna need to speak up hun" he says in a teasing tone"b-bob pls f-fuck me alr-already~"you say a bit louder you felt him take your shirt off and your pants leaving you in your bra and underwear He passionately kissed you again running his hands on your thighs he dug his nails in a bit just enough to cause a little bit of blood to come out he carved a heart into your thigh you moaned a bit into the kiss he ran his hands up your back and unhooked your bra

Your pov:he took off my bra and laid me down he kissed and sucked on my neck while massaging my boobs (BOOBIES😋) ngh~ I moaned a bit as he found my sweet spot he licked it causing me to moan more and a bit louder he sank his teeth in making me arch my back and moan I felt him lick the new bleeding wound and slide his hands down my side and squeeze my ass he slide his hand down my panties and rubbed a finger against my clothes making me arch my back and moan out louder than before he stuck a finger in and started to thrust in and out slowly then started to get faster he added another finger in and went faster ngh ah~ I moaned out he slid his fingers out making me whimper he took off my panties and took off his clothes he lined him self up with my hole and slowly entered soon as I adjusted I wiggled my hips a bit he started to thrust in and out gradually getting faster

Nobodys pov:he went faster hitting your g spot making you moan out even more he grabbed you by your throat and tightened his grip a bit to were you can breath a little bit he fucked you harder and faster and smacked your ass with his free hand making you gasp he loosened his grip around you neck still pounding into you "ngh ahh~" you moaned out as he bit your shoulder you ran your hands through his now messy hair he thrusted into you faster continuesly slamming into your g spot you grabbed his hair pulling it a bit your hands fell down to his shoulders you dug your nails into his back cause of the pleasure you were both about to cum so he slammed into you more soon you both cummed he slid himself out and hugged you

Your pov:mission failed successful god I live you I say slowly falling asleep "I love you to darling"

A/n happy new yrs children I would say happy a good yr but I can't promise you it will be a good yr I do wanna day I'm so glad you survived this yr and ik it's been a hard yr and now it's a new yr hopefully this one doesn't suck like last yrs anyways bye children <3

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