⭐god i love you~⭐

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your pov:I sat in the living room with my costume on I was waiting for lila to come pick we were supposed to hang out at the festival while skid and pump played I wonder if her friend is going with us a knock on the door snapped me out of my thoughts I opened it to see lila "you look nice y/n do you ready" Mhm let's go we got in the car and drove to the festival when we got there we got out and went in "ok boys stay with me this yr there's a bad guy out" oh yeah I had forgotten that a cannibalistic serial killer escaped prison I could care less he can't get me if I'm in a crowded area right (well you thought wrong 🙄) come on let's get something to eat I suggested "that sounds like a good idea come on boys....boys? " where did they go pump? Skid? We're did y'all go "let's split up I'll go over here you check over there "ok I ran through people knocking some over not really caring I needed to find those kids

Nobodya pov:you ran faster through the crowed until you got out of it you looked around and called out there names again that's when you heard giggly coming behind a shop you walked to the back and saw skid and pump hiding " what are y'all doing here you were supposed to stay with me and lila  "you shouted at them " were sorry y/n we just wanted to play hide and seek with the big fat guy "skid and pump said looking at the ground " what guy "you said " the one behind you"right as they said that you turned around

Your pov:I turned around and there was a guy in a devil costume really close to my face we were face to face and I felt my face heat up that's when I realized it was that cannibalistic serial killer you saw on the news kids go find lila! I said to the two kids behind me "ok!! " I heard them run and started to back up but my back hit the wall "well aren't you a pretty thing " I felt my face heat up and looked away idk why I feel like this he's a fucking killer and was going to kill me but he was so fucking hot I felt him put his hand under my jaw and brought my face towards his "well aren't you a blushing mess " what do you want from me why haven't you killed me"bc I don't want to kill you there's just something about you that and your hot darling "I felt my face go fully red well more red than it was I Widdened my eyes as I felt his lips against mine once I realized he was kissing me I kissed back he grabbed my wrists and pulled the over my head holding me against the wall while we were still kissing

Nobodys pov:Bob pulled away and looked you in your eyes " we should go somewhere more private I man if it's ok with you darling "he said " hell yeah I mean ugh sure"you said starring back at him right as you said that he picked you up bridle style and walked into the woods soon he stopped at a house you guessed it was his house he open the door and sat both of y'all on the couch he had you in his lap y'all starred into each other's eyes for what felt like forever but soon you pulled him into another kiss y'all had a full blown make out session y'all were still making out when he took off your dress leaving you in your bra and under wear he kissed your neck leaving bite marks and hickeys he kissed down your neck and bit your shoulder making you moan he took off your bra and kissed your boob and massaged the other one he laid you on your back on the couch and kept kissing and licking your boobs he soon kissed and lightly bit down your stomach "may I"he asked you nodded your head and he slowly took off your panties

Your love:I felt him kiss my thighs lightly biting them making me moan even more I felt him like my clit (damn idk what to say) I moaned even louder I felt him stick his tongue in making me swing my head back and moan he thrusted his tongue in and out I felt like Cumming ah~ Bob I'm g-gonna cum~ right as I said that he slid his tongue out and pulled down his pants and boxers and lined himself up and slowly slid into my hole and waited for me to adjust when I did I wiggled my hips a bit he slowly thrusted in and out  and slowly went faster " fuck~"ugh faster~ I moaned out and he went faster he kissed my neck and licked it then bit down I moaned out in pain and pleasure he pulled away from my neck and kissed me I tasted blood and I guessed it was mine I could care less.

Nobodys pov:Bob continued to thrust faster and harder y'all both new y'all were about cum and y'all both did "oh fuck~"you both moaned out Bob pulled out and hugged you you slowly fell asleep*hrs later*you woke up and were confused then you remembered you grabbed your phone and saw 100+ missed calls from lila you got out a peace of paper and wrote your phone number and wrote the words text me below it then you got you clothes on and left you called lila

Your pov:pick up " y/n? "Hey" I am so worried are you ok did you get hurt slid and pump told me about that guy"hey hey hey I'm ok I ugh I kicked him then ran but he caught up to me so I ran through the woods but I'm ok well ima go to bed now "ok because safe call me in the morning" I will

A/n sorry this sucks dick but I did the last part when I was sick and I'm still sick me and my family think I have covid for the 3rd time this yr so that's fun anyways bye children

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