❤partners in crime ❤

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your pov:I hummed my favorite song as I made breakfast I felt a pair of hands snake around my waist good morning handsome "good morning darling" breakfast is almost done "sorry for staying out late again"can we talk about that we both agreed to be in bed by 1 but you've been staying out longer I'm worried for you hun" ik ik look I'm trying to get the cops off are back"they found us"no they almost have"what are going to do bob we need to stay inside for a couple of days *knocking*ugh bob" I'll get it "no let me get it I said opening the door hello" ma'am you and your bf are under arrest "I'm sorry what" someone showed us proof you to are the cannibalistic serial killers"hold on let me unlock the door I said shutting the door welp were shit out of luck what do we do "we go with them " what"trust me my dear "ok but who's gonna watch the dog " I'll have dexter do it I'll tell him when we get there now act calm and let's go "fine I opened the door *at the police station * well I wanna see the proof that we are the killers how do you know it wasn't photo shopped" ma'am here's the photo and video of you to killing mrs.lia "welp you got us " what"you got us that's us can we get this over with you know it's us now take us to jail"well follow us you to"we walked down a long hallway and into a room with metal doors they put me in a cell and bob in the one across they walked out and shut the door "this is stupid why are we in to separate cells in a room that nobody else is in" idk there jack asses what are we gonna do you said you had a plan "yeah about that I don't" god damn it bob we could have snuck out the back of are house

Nobodys pov:you sat on the hard ass bed and started to think of a plan"the judge would like to see you to"one of the officers say as they unlock the cell "just me " you asked "yes we can't have you to in the same cell or the same room " jack one of the officers say as they grab you and hand cuffs you again "alright then fuck ain't got to put them that tight you don't know maybe I like it " you say as you started to walk with them "ma'am pls don't make sex jokes" John the other officer said "why is it bc you have e no sex life John " you said as you entered the court room bob was sitting in his cell thinking of a way out he looked around then at your empty cell

Your pov:yeah we murdered people I didn't eat them tho that was him but I still love him you gotta admit he's pretty hot oh y'all are live on the news meh I would 100% fuck him oh wait I have alright enough of that well actually can someone tighten these hand cuffs more I like them tight and there not tight enough " y/n l/n you are here by sentenced to 5 yrs in prison bob on the other hand is sentenced to 20 yrs in prison "man wtf you can't do that " I can now send her back to her cell"oh kiss my ass I sick of this I said taking the hand cuffs and snapping them "get her " fuck no I kicked a cop in the dick and bashed ones head into the table and made a run for it I ran down the hallway but got jumped on I fell face first into the hard ground they out another pair of handcuffs on me they grabbed the hand cuffs and pulled me up damn do I have to tell you like I told the last person make them tighter god damn it "shut up or I'll take you" how you know I won't like it "ma'am pls shut up" fine but jacks behind you "huh" he turned around and I kicked him in his back making him fall his head smacked on the ground I raised my foot up and stepped on his head then ran down the hallway

Nobodys pov:Bob was still starring at your empty cell now wondering what was taking you so long when he heard the door open he snapped out of his thoughts "she has to be coming here for him" a officer said walking in"what's going on" Bob said standing up"you little whore of a gf escaped " jack said Bob was getting pissed by the fact that he called you a whore that's when he heard the vent making noise he looked up to see you "hey hun take these keys I'll distract them then make your way to the back of the station you didn't think I left you did ya "you said handing him the keys than making your way back through the vents Bob heard the guards run out so he unlocked it and snuck out the room

Your pov: yo fuckers come get me I said spinning around then running I ran down the hallway and heard feet running behind me I turned the corner and ran faster I jumped up and pulled myself into the vent " we're did she go"I climbed through the vent until I got to the back where I saw Bob I jumped down and snuck up behind Bob looking for me "y/n! " I didn't get caught oh here's your knives and ready to kick some ass "hell yeah after all we are partners in crime" and lovers now let's do this I say taking out my knife as cops came into the room "put your weapons down now "you really think you can stop us with guns " well yeah there guns "I sliced his neck and he fell onto his knees well maybe don't talk and actually shoot dumb fuck I spun around and stabbed one in the stomach I grabbed bobs hand and ran out the door " for a police station they sure are dumb for having a back door "that's what I'm saying shit I said stopping as a bun of police cars surrounded us that's when I got a idea " shit"follow my lead I said running to a cop and stabbed them in the head I opened the car door and watched as Bob got in the other side I turned on the car and started to drive "here switch side " alright I got in the passenger side as he got in the drivers seat I grabbed the gun that was in the back and opened the sun roof

Nobody's pov:Bob drove the car as you shot at the police "hold on darling I gotta make a turn" Bob said as he turned the corner he swerved a bit almost making you fall off But drop the gun "god damn it Bob warn me ahead of time for fucks sakes I just dropped the gun" you said sitting in the passenger seat pissed off you looked through the back and saw a bomb "how weird is it for a police officer to have bombs in there car" you said grabbing a grenade "it's weird they have grenades to " you said sticking your head out the sunroof again your took the pin off and threw it at a cop car "be careful up there darling" Bob said as a bullet shot out the window you sat back in the passenger seat and grabbed your phone and called dexter to ask for help but to yalls luck he didn't answer "we lost them" Bob said stopping the car "well looks like we can't go back to town tell dexter will get a puppy tomorrow night " you said getting out the car and walking I to the hotel

Your pov:I'm tired asf that chase took 4 fucking hrs "well darling that's what a chase does " well it's dumb asf can we cuddle until I fall asleep hun"ofc sweetheart

A/n ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm bored lol I hope y'all like this one idk what to say now anyways bye children

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