⭐ a thank you⭐

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Your pov:I stumbled down the side walk with two kids granted it isn't a smart idea being drunk and taking your friends kids trick or treating ok kids will go to *hic* one last place then y'all gotta go home so where do y'all wanna *hic* go "how about candy club" ok then let's go I said as I continued to stumble"hey y/n why are you tripping on everything "shhhh it's to loud I said to kevin " your drunk"yes yes now pls "oh no no no no no! You two need to leave you always bring me trouble " what"they gave me fake suger got me attacked by there doll and not to long ago got blood all over the place which took me a whole day to clean up "just give us the candy so I can take them home I said chugging a beer bottle " ok fine here now get out "got it I said walking away with the kids I soon dropped them off and walked away I felt like puking so I ran but bumped into someone I am s-so sorry" gah oh ugh here let me help you up"thanks I said as my vision went blurry a bit"have you seen my ugh best friend and her kids there all dressed up as bears "oh yeah I *hic* seen them over that way " thanks"I ran down the sidewalk as I felt like puking again after 3 minutes I found a bathroom I ran in and went to a stall and puked a lot

Nobodies pov:you sat there as you kept throwing up you soon passed out on the floor after a couple of hrs you wake up to the bathroom door slammed you get up with a massive head ache you hear heavy breathing and heard foot steps coming closer to the stall I backed up but soon the foot steps Disappeared you stepped out the stall to see no one maybe it was your imagination you thought until you heard heavy breathing from behind you you turned around but was only pinned to the wall by your wrist "hello again darlin" he says starring at you"who wait your th-the cannibalistic killer"you said as you started to shake "I am and for helping me out on my meal I wanna give you a thank you darling " he says  your face turned red for some reason "aw you look so cute all flustered" you felt your face heat up more you were so confused on why you felt like this for a cannibal who was obviously gonna kill you "pls don't kill me" you said as you made eye contact with him"oh I won't " he said smashing his lips onto yours you wanted to pull away but you somewhat also didn't want to so instead you kissed back he licked your bottom lip you opened your mouth a lil as his tongue went in yalls tongues danced together until y'all pulled away catching yalls breathing he soon went to kissing your neck

Your pov:ugh~ I moaned out as he sucked on my sensitive spot on my neck he nibbled on the spot which made me moan uncontrollably he slowly slid off my dress and massaged my breast I bit my lip trying not to moan to loud sense we were in a public bathroom he slowly kissed down till he got to my boobs he licked and sucked on them I moaned out a lil still trying to be quite "be loud for me darlin" my face went red as he slowly kissed down my stomach to the lining to my panties he kissed along the line as he slowly pulled them down he moved down and started to lick my clit I moaned out at the feeling he started to lick as he spreaded my legs open more oh fuck~i moaned out as he licked my hole I gasped as he stuck his tongue in oh god~ I continued to moan as he fucked me with his tongue my legs started to shake I whimpered as his tongue left he picked me up and brought me over to the sink he turned me around to face the mirror I held onto the sink for support

Nobodys pov:he pulled his pants down and lined himself up at the right hole he slowly went in while grabbing your hips soon he was all the way in and let you adjust to his size soon he started to thrust in and out of you "ugh~" you moaned out as he started to go faster he pressed himself against your back still thrusting in faster he kissed your neck down to your shoulder blade he nibbled on It and soon bit down as he thrusted faster  y'all both knee y'all were gonna cum so he sped up his pace and so on both of you cummed your legs trembled as you tried not to fall over they were tired from standing and from being fucked

Your pov:my god my legs hurt I put on my clothes and got off the ground from sitting "were ya going" oh I was gonna go home would you like to go home with me I live by myself and I think it would be nice to have some company "ugh sure " ok let's go

A/n this is for my 1.01k special thank you all so much even if it freaked my high ass when I first saw it and no I totally didn't write this when I was high 😭🥱

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