💕pretty boy💕

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Your pov:I walked into some creepy house on top of a hill this is dumb "hello y/n l/n " ugh hi..."I see your here for a part in my cult whys that"honestly it will give me something to do my life's pretty boring and I'm also good at killing/kidnapping "I see what makes you so qualified"like I said I'm good at killing and kidnapping plus I'm pretty sure I'm better than the rest of them" hmm ig here's your necklace I need you to follow me now "ugh ok I followed the guy to another room were a lot people were " ok y/n this is everyone everyone this is y/n are new member be nice to her"hi I said to everyone with a light smile I looked at everyone until one guy caught my eye he was pretty hot "why don't you go make some friends" alright I walked to the back and saw the guy hi"...hi"ik you your that guy that escaped prison imagine getting caught "you better keep your mouth shut darling " or what you gonna kill me then eat me I like to see you try right as I said that I was shoved up against the wall with my hands above my head I watched as he reached for his knife but he never felt it looking for this I said waving his knife around he tried to grab it but I kicked him in the stomach then stabbed him in his arm making him fall back and grab his arm

Nobodys pov:you felt everyone starring at you "what? " you said confused "did you just..." A guy was half way finished before you spoke up"stab him steal his knife kick him in the stomach yeah why? "You said starring at them you took the knife and yanked it out of his arm and tore of a peace of your sweater and wrapped it around his wound " there you'll be fine"you said standing up and patting him on his head "anyways I should get going I have some stuff to do when do you want me to come back" you said walking to the door "be back in 4 days " the guy said you nodded your head and walked out and went home when you got home you changed your shirt sense you ripped it and then you went down stairs

Your pov:omfg were did I put it *bang*what the fuck was that I grabbed a knife and walked up the stairs and into the spare room and that's when I saw a shadow I know who it is I turned on the lights and stood at the door way".... "What are you doing in my house man is it bc I'm pretty it's bc I'm so pretty you started to miss me 5 seconds after I left" that's not why I didn't even know this was your house "Mhm sure pretty boy well I'm making dinner would you like to stay for it " ugh sure"I walked down stairs and started to make the food I cut up some stake  and some lettuce after I was done cooking I set everything on the table and sat down with Bob after we ate and talked for a while he had to go "thx but I have to go now " ok see you later i say standing up as he left *4 days later*

Nobodys pov:you walked through town and went to the candy club to get some candy "hey kevin hey streber" you said walking in"hey y/n how have you been "streber asked " I've been good how are you to and yalls relationship "you asked while grabbing some candy " we've been good and are relationship is going great"streber said kissing kevins cheek "that's good" you said placing your candy on the counter "that will be 4.50" kevin said you gave him the money and waved good bye

Your pov:shit I'm late eh I walked up the hill and into the house eating my candy "your late" Mhm I lost track of time I was talking to my friends "ok then follow me" ok I followed him into a room with a huge table everyone was there"take a seat "ok I sat down next to Bob *after the meeting*i sat outside the house to smoke I heard the door open and someone stand beside me then sit down" hey... "Hi " you ok"Mhm why are you out here"idk kinds got bored plus everyone in there is annoying "so why sit out here with me" well your the only other smart one here and your nice to have around "you really think so " I mean yeah your funny nice and sweet plus your a total bad ass"thx well I should get going I say putting out my cigarette maybe we should hang out some time maybe watch a movie or I can make you some more dinner I laughed and kissed him on the cheek bye pretty boy see you later and with that I left and went home

A/n this one is stupid but it's kinds cute at the end tho so I'm still gonna publish it

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