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(Also this won't be how I normally write it like I won't like write them fucking just read and you'll find out bc my ass sucks at explaining shit 😭)

Your pov:I walked down the stairs and knocked on the floor I was dragged down and saw everyone alright e-who is this "oh Ms. Y/n this is Bob velseb he would like to join this cult" is that so what do you know and what do you do "listen lady I'm a Cannibal and a killer " yes ik that I ain't dum  I run this group I mean why do you wanna be here"well idk "well I guess so but if I find out that your lying I'll gut you now here come forth I said as he walked forward eyes hold him still " aight"I took my knife and lifted up his sweater I cut it opened and stuffed the amulet it I grabbed my needle and thread and sewed it shut alright you can let go of him"what was that for"you are now apart of this cult that amulet will stay inside your rib cage your immortal now (idk any of there names so random names I shall give them 😋) as you know I'm y/n this is eyes that's lia eclipse mark max estella oliver Noah daniel leo crystal tiana and I'm guessing you know dexter everybody say hi"Hi"alright that's all the time we have for tonight I didn't expect this so come back tomorrow if you would like to talk you know where to find me I said as eyes out me back in the house

Nobodys pov:everyone left and so did Bob you went to your room and laid down you couldn't help but think about Bob he was kinda hot you took a pillow and shoved your face in it and soon fell asleep *the next day*you woke up and got dressed into appropriate clothes to go outside and walked down the stairs and opened the front door "oh hey Bob? " you said as you saw him walk in"can we talk"he said "actually rn is a bad time I have some stuff to do if you would like to talk meet me before the meeting tonight" you said checking your phone and walking out with him behind you you walked down the hill and went to the candy shop you walked in to see carmen yelling at Kevin "hey woah wtf is going on" you said standing in between the two"look homeless girl we don't need you in this so mind your business "she said staring at you" homeless oh bitch I ain't homeless I have a house which probably cost more than your hair and nails now get out of my face"you said turning around and looking at Kevin "ugh-" she was about to say something but ended up walking out "you good" you asked Kevin "mhm she's just being a bitch anyways you want the usual" he said grabbing a bag "Mhm" *later that night*

Your pov:alright everyone I'll tell the plan in a bit it's gonna take 5 hrs but for now just relax watch TV or something I need to get some things ready I said walking up the steps into my room *knocking *come in!"hey darlin'"huh I said confused on the nickname I felt my face heat up and I looked back down at my desk "you ok your face is awfully red" yep I'm fine I said as he grabbed my face to make me look at him"alright then darling "so what d-id you n-need " I forgot oh wait nvm what is this cult for "well we rob things murder people or in your case eat people but we can't have people finding out there's a cult here unlike one of the officers in this town who thinks there's a cult good thing nobody will believe him now is that all you need" not really "what is it I said as he stepped closer and shoved me against the wall he put his hands on my hips and staired into my eyes I felt my face heat up his faced inches closer to mine but stopped a few inches away i pressed my lips against his breaking the space in between he licked my bottom lip I opened my mouth just a little to where he could get his tongue in I moaned In to the kiss grabbing onto his sweater he picked me up and sat us on the bed I was on top of him

Nobody's pov:he broke the kiss and started to kissing your neck " b-bob w-we~ c-cant"you tried to say something but couldn't get the rest out"shhh we won't go that far darling "he whispered in your ear" o-ok~"you said as he sucked on your neck (alligator.... Idk don't ask) he ran his hands up and down your side he kissed down your neck to your shoulder and he bit down (I'm so sorry for what I'm about to write next 💀) he sucked on the new wound making you moan in pain and pleasure his hand snaked under you pants and started to rub your clit (ahhhhhhhh hello idk) you back arched as you moaned as he stuck a finger in he thrusted in and out while licking the wound on your shoulder you moaned more as he added another finger thrusting in and out faster you tried to hold in the moans so the other people in the house couldn't hear you were about cum so you kissed Bob trying not to moan to loud as you came he took his fingers out licking them

Your pov:I was catching my breath as i sat up I love you Bob but we have stuff to do so will do the rest later let's go I said grabbing his hands and walking out of the room I knocked on the floor and got dragged under with Bob "could talk have been any fucking louder" shut up dexter I said as I felt my face heat up alright anyways let's get this shit started

A/n happy valentines day children =]

bob Velseb x reader (one shots) Where stories live. Discover now