⭐fuck me more ⭐

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your pov:I grabbed the nun out fit from my closet and out it on I walked down stairs and walked out the house thank god it's Halloween so I can  actually show my ears and tail and teeth hey kev i said walking into the candy club"hey y/n here's the candy you wanted "thanks oh sense your off this time I wanted to see if you and streber wanted to go to the haunted house on the hill with me " sure sounds fun we should invite radford to "ok tell them to meet us there " alright"I payed for the candy and started my walk there *when you got there*alright guys you ready I said walking in "why are we here" bc it's gonna be fun I swear "ok then oh I like your costume" oh yeah my costume that's what it is *bang*ok wtf was that"maybe it was a ghost "oh don't say that ghost aren't real I'm sure there is a logically explanation f-*bang*ok yep that's a ghost or something I said backing up " let's get out of here"fuck yeah we ran to the door but it wouldn't open well isn't that cliche "ik right" *boom*the noise is getting closer quick hide I said running into a room

Nobodys pov:everyone ran into different rooms you heard another bang coming from inside the room you were in you opened the door and ran up the stairs into a room you turned on the light to see a bed and blood everywhere "ok y/n calm down I'm sure it's fake and there's a good explanation for this haha" you said sitting on the bed you pulled your knees up to your chest you heard laughing coming from behind you you slowly turned around and saw a guy dressed up as the devil that's when you noticed it was the guy from the news you slowly backed up and fell off the bed "ow god damn it I'm gonna get killed and I hit my fucking head this is bull shit " you yelled you heard banging on the door and foot steps disappear you stood up and saw that he was gone so you opened the door to see streber and the others "you ok"

Your pov:yeah yeah ugh thought I saw someone and I fell of this bed "ugh y/n" hmm"look behind you"I slowly turned around and saw the guy again "did you know that the human flesh taste like pork and that's why it's givin the name long pig" did you know I wouldn't taste good really I mean it you wouldn't wanna eat someone who's half wolf right I said turning around to see that the others ran oh fuck you all "damn did they really just make a run for it " some friends they are I said sitting back on the bed "well darling I don't think there your friends" d-darling? "Your blushing~" n-no I'm not I said facing away from him god why do I feel this way for him I barley even know him fuck"well darling "I looked at him to see he was holding his knife out" wanna get revenge "no I couldn't they have all rights to run I said standing up and walking to him and giving him a hug you know your very handsome "

Bobs pov:I looked down at her what are you doing "giving you a hug you seem like you've never had one" not in a long time dear not in a long time I said kissing her forehead she looked up and I could tell she's blushing I picked her up and sat her in my lap still hugging her "can I nvm it's a dum  thing anyways" can you what "can I kiss you if you don't mind " ofc I don't mind sweetheart I said kissing her

Your pov:I wrapped my arms around his neck deepening the kiss he wrapped his arm around my waist I pushed him down on the bed and heard foot steps walking towards the room you don't think there still here I said breaking the kiss "no?" I looked at the door as it opened "y/n- wtf" haha ugh it's not what it looks like I said getting off Bob "your fucking crazy" eh maybe I said getting up and shutting the door now where were we I say walking over to him (I honestly have no idea what I'm doing with my life 😐) "I think we were about to fuck" you may be right now shut up and kiss me I say pulling him by his sweater and kissing him he licked my bottom lip I opened my mouth a little to were his tongue could enter are tongues danced together I should call them afterwords just in case they are my only friends but for now I want you to fuck me I mean if that's ok with you dear"ofc darling "he sat me on his lap and started kissing my neck mhm~(k!ll me/j 💀)

Nobodys pov:he found your sweet spot and started to attack it with kisses and licking it earning moans from you he bit down making you moan in pain and pleasure he licked the newly opened wound licking all the blood off he slid down your dress (dress? Is it called a dress idk I'm not a nun) he kissed down you neck and to your boobs (titties😋) he slid off your bra he kissed and sucked on one of your boobs (you know how I said k!ll me earlier yeah why has nobody k!lled me yet/j 😭) he kissed down your stomach leaving small love bites everywhere he kissed down to your panties he looked up at you and without saying anything you shook your head yes already knowin what he was asking for he slowly pulled down you underwear he kissed up your thighs leaving small little love bites on them to he started to lick your clit (AHHHHHHHHHHHH oh hello there just wanted to scream for no reason totally not bc my face is red asf 😭) making you moan louder you moan louder when you felt his tongue go in your hand snaked it's way into his hair moaning more as he thrusted his tongue in and out you were about to cum when he suddenly pulled his tongue out

Your pov:I Wimpered at the lost of feeling I grabbed one to the sleeve of his sweater tugging on it a bit "well isn't someone impatient" I put my thighs together and started to run them against each other trying to get that feeling back Bob grabbed my thighs and pulled them apart "beg for it " I shook my head no I didn't wanna beg for it that's embarrassing "fine then~" no Bob wait pls~"pls what? "Pls fuck me more ~" as you wish"I watched as he pulled off his clothes and his boxers and climbed on top of me I felt him press himself against my hole (AHHHHHHHHHHH...idk)ugh~ I moaned out as he entered my hole he started to slowly thrust in and out I felt him smack my ass I moaned again I turned my head to the side and bit his arm to try and stop me from moaning bc I realized they still might be downstairs waiting to see if I was killed I heard Bob groan as I bit down harder I let go and moaned out louder s-sorry for ugh~ biting y-ou ugh~ I moaned out I looked at his arm to see blood I might have bit down to hard I felt pull out and flip me over I felt him slam into me making me moan more I felt him pull my hair forcing my head up I bit my lip trying not to make more noise then there already was I felt like Cumming oh fuck~ I moaned out as I cummed I felt Bob cum in me he pulled out and hugged me *yawns*shit I'm tired can you hand me my phone "here" I dialled strebers number and hit call "ello..." Hey about earlier I swear it's not what it looked like and ik he ate your arm but I couldn't help it "y/n it's fine we were waiting for you but heard moaning so we ran " sorry about that"nah your good just don't let that happen again "alright bye" bye"ahhhhhhhhhh"you good"yeah can we go to sleep now "ofc darling I love you" I love you to hun

A/n hello sorry this one sucks I'm bored and idk anyways bye kids

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