💔why does it matter💔

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Your pov:I came in from work hun I'm home hmm ig he's not here I went to the kitchen and saw a note sorry had to work oh he never told me were he works or what he does that's fine tho *ring ring*hello lia"hey so we know you just got home but are boss needs you back rn and he seems kinda mad "ugh I'll be there soon just tell him to hold on" alright see you soon"ok I hung up grabbed my bag again and wrote a note to Bob that I won't be home for another couple of hrs bc my boss called me back in I set the note down and walked out the house and down the road through a allyway I put in a code and opened the door "y/n go sit in my office with the others " ok I walked to his office and sat down next to lia and estella then my boss came in "ok so as we know y'all had to come back well two of you did the reason I called you three here bc y'all are my best spies/assassins and I need you to spy on this guy he is close to discovering us if he tries to tell anyone I give y'all full permission to take his ass out got it " yeah

Bobs pov:I walked into the house to not see her there well ig that's good sense I'm bloody I walked to the kitchen and saw a note (y'all already know what the note is) well I wonder when she'll be home I washed of the bloody knife and washed my hands I walked up stairs to take a shower *when he's done*i walked out and decided to watch TV sense wasn't here I took out the arm I was saving for later (gonna eat that arm then your gonna be bloody all over again 🤦🏻‍♀️) ig I'll eat it now just gotta try not to get bloody

*hrs later*

Your pov:I walked in the house my god am I fucking tired stupid fucking people trying to discover us I went upstairs to see Bob asleep I crawled into bed and snuggled up next to him I hope one day I'll be able to tell him the truth I thought as I slowly fell asleep*the next day*i woke up to Bob gone I went down stairs and still didn't see him ig he's gone *ring ring*hello "y/n did you three get anything from the man" no not yet but however we did find out that he's weird and can turn into a doll "ahh yes I'm very aware dexter can do that" Idk maybe we will find more dirt on him or maybe we will have to kill him can me and the girls work from home "what about" my bf? Oh he's gone he went to work "ok ig so just get over here tonight at 11" got it

Nonodys pov:you called your friends and told them y'all were working at y'all house to think of a plan but little did you know Bob was watching you set up every thing and even had a pin board it had pictures of dexter and the doll soon your friends got there and you all sat down"ok so we will work here for 4 hrs then will go spy on him bc that's when my bf should be back"you said

Your pov:ok so as you see here he can turn into this fucker *4 hrs later*ok before he gets here here's the plan and reason of why I told you to buy revealing clothes one of us will pick a straw person with the smallest one has to dress up and distract while the other 2 will find some stuff that will get us more info on him ok pick a straw ladys *after picking*well shit what's the out fit then "this crop top this mini skirt these thigh highs and these heals" ok hand them over I grabbed them got dressed and went down stairs ok I'm ready don't laugh this skirt is really short "that's the point hey maybe you can keep it " sure let's just go *when they get there*we walked out the car ok so you to will spy "ok" wait idk about this what if Bob finds out this is technically cheating "not really it's just fake flirting" ok just let's get this over with I walked down the road and knocked on dexters door "ugh hey" hey big boy I think your cute wanna hang out back at my place "ugh" it will be fun sugar "ugh ok" we walked and got in the car do you wanna go get coffee first"sure"

Nobodys pov:Bob was mad so he went back home and looked at everything that y'all accidentally left out he saw photos and documents about dexter well granted he knew dexter but he still read to try and figure out your shit mean while you were out hanging with dexter you didn't like to you felt bad about Bob you know what you decided when you get home you were gonna tell Bob and hope he doesn't call the cops and leave you *hrs later *you dropped off dexter and picked up the girls and went to your hideout y'all walked in and went straight to your bosses office

Your pov:ok so here is what they found out and don't comment on my out got it was a part of the plan "we found out that dexter might be helping y/n's bf" wait what "we think dexter knows a secret about Bob that we don't so when we were looking we found these papers it says right here his name is Bob velseb he's the cannibalistic serial killer and we think dexter may help him with the murders " I can't believe this and he hid this from me well I hid this but for a good reason I have to go I said I'll be back later "wait y/n" I ran out and got into my car and drive home when I got there I kicked in the door oh good your ass his home"care to e-"shut up care to mother fucking explain to me what you are bc I already know your the cannibalistic serial killer "calm down pls and explain all this shit" I asked you first "ok let's calm down and talk like adults " fine I sat across from him on the other couch

Bobs pov:look I use to work at boys ' n ' grills and I was the chef I would use animal meat and one day I had the sudden urge to eat human meat I've always wondered what it taste like and it's not like I wanted to but I chose this path and if I could go back I would  and soon I started to kill more and more and before you ask I never fed the customers human meat I usually just cooked it for myself and when I wasn't cooking it I ate it raw but look I want to stop I just can't now that I've explain you explain

Your pov:alright then it started when I was younger my younger sister was sick and I tried everything to help I even helped around the neighborhood or the local library to earn money to help but I started to notice my money was going missing turns out my dumb ass parents were using it to buy beer and yk drugs soon my sister died I would stay at her grave all the time and when I went home I would sneak out when my parents passed out and I would lay on her grave I was so sad I started cutting deeper and deeper that's why I have these scares on my thighs and stomach and wrist soo  I tried to kill my self until I realized I couldn't die I mean I would but I would just wake up hrs later and one day I tried to hang myself in the local park but I met these people they told me if I worked for them and be a assassin they would bring my sister back and so I've been working for them ever sense and idk if there gonna bring her back I miss her so much she was my best friend my kid I basically raised her and it's all there fault she's dead so they were my first victims I murdered them brutally murdered them if I might add "hey it's ok look how about we keep doing what were doing but just no more secrets ok" ok my love I'm sorry"it's completely ok I'm sorry for making you tell your past"it's ok it feels kinds good to finally be able to tell someone

A/n:idk I was bored and wanted to making something sad but this is bearly even sad ik what is sad tho my life is sader than this lol anyways bye children

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