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your pov:I walked down the road with some random guys arm it was about 3 in the morning and I could not sleep and I was hungry I felt like someone was watching me but I could care less I turned the corner and saw police lights and heard sirens I walked back behind the corner and walked back down the road I came from I heard the sirens get closer so I started to run i saw lights in front of me shit there closing in I swerved into a ally and hid behind a trash can the cars passed and I stood up dusting my self off I peeked around the corners and saw nobody I felt a hand on my shoulder I jerked myself forward getting there hand off me I looked behind me to see a big demon guy"did you know~"stat back or I will hurt you

Bobs pov:I walked closer to them pulling out a knife they backed up more and I dropped the knife idk why but I felt bad seeing them scared made me sad I'm sorry"what? "I'm sorry for scaring you I won't hurt you" why you just tried to kill me"idk you seem sweet and for some reason I don't wanna hurt you "why tho" I don't know ok it's just theres sumthin about you "oh well I should get going"oh... " yeah bye ugh"Bob"huh"my names Bob"oh I'm y/n"nice name "thx" I watched as they walked away wtf was that why didn't I kill them fuck this feeling they were kinda cute tho damn

Your pov:I walked inside my house and shut my door I wonder why he didn't kill me man the police made me drop my food eh good thing I have more in the fridge from yesterday's guy I walked into the kitchen and turned on the light to see Bob in my fridge eating MY FOOD (I'd be pissed off I don't like people touching my food especially my fries lmao) Bob wtf "oh hello there y/n" hi can you explain when you got I to my house and why your eating my fucking food"got hungry and bored plus were technically friends now"how! You know what I'm just gonna go to bed if your gonna stay here there's another room across from mine you can sleep on the spare bed and sense you know I'm a cannibal to your getting me more food Tomorrow I say walking up the stairs I walked I to my room and laid in bed slowly falling asleep*the next morning*i woke up and felt someone on the other side of my bed I rolled over to see Bob i felt my face heat up he slowly opened his eyes and I scooted away ig I scooted to far and ended up falling off the bed instead of getting up I rolled under the bed covering my face with my hands

Bobs pov:hey you ok I say peeking under the bed"yep just fine "sorry I couldn't find the other room I didn't know if I should have woken you up you looked kinda cute sleeping" oh-ugh-its ok don't worry about it"I watched them get out from under the bed and stand up "well I should get dressed I have work" oh yeah when do you get off so I can bring you the food that I owe you"I get off at 6 tonight "ok then see you then and with that I left the room and down the stairs out the house man that was embarrassing they were so cute tho God what's up with me

*days later*

Your pov:hey Bob I'm home" hello darling "he's been calling me that a lot lately I wonder why oh I brought groceries I say but tripped I felt someone grab me and saw it was Bob are faces were really close I felt my face heat up and I looked away backing up a bit well thank god that wasn't all the Groceries and there was nothing fragile in those bags right? " yeah "do you mind grabbing the rest of them while I grab these" sure"I picked up the groceries off the floor and walked to the kitchen placing them onto the counter I saw Bob come in with the rest and set them into the counter "what is all this stuff" stuff for dinner can you go into the fridge and get the human meat "sure"thanks I said grabbing the meat from him and setting it down I grabbed a knife and started to cut up the meat

Bobs pov:I watched as they cut the meat I walked out of the kitchen and out the house ever sense I met them I had this weird feeling I think I might have fallen in love with them which is weird bc I never been in love maybe I'll talk to dexter for a while

Nobodys pov:Bob went to talk to dexter while you made dinner you knew he would be back before it was done and if he wasn't you would just call him you out some of the food into the oven and started to work on the other food you were planning on making when you were done you sat everything on the table and waited for Bob after 10 minutes he never came so you decided to call him and he didn't answer that's when you realized he left his fucking phone on the couch you sat down in your chair and he walked in" sorry I'm late I was talking to someone "he said" yeah probably your gf or something "you mumbled under your breath" what was"that he said sitting down"nothing" you said as you started eating

Your pov:I finished eating and I washed my plate in the sink and went to the living room and sat on the couch Bob came in a couple minutes later and sat next to me I scooted to the end of the couch and looked at the tv"ok are you mad or something did I like do something or what"I didn't answer instead I went to my room and shut the door god idk why I'm jelous were not even dating hell he just lives with me I pressed my back against the door and slid down as I slowly hit the ground I put my knees to my chest and put my face in my knees I felt like crying idk why I feel this way I slowly fell asleep there*hrs later*i woke up on the ground I guess I fell asleep there I checked the time and it was 3 in the morning I walked down the stairs slowly and didn't see Bob but however I did see a note that read sorry if I did something I'll give you some space I'll be back later so don't freak out ok -love Bob<3 I should apologize I thought to myself as the front door opened "I see your up" I'm sorry"huh" sorry you didn't do anything I was just idk jealous for some reason "why would you be jealous " maybe bc idk ig I like you

Bobs pov:oh really"yep "well I like you to and there's nothing to be jealous of darling " ik "come here I say opening my arms so they could hug me "... " I hugged them back and kissed them on there head"so are we official"I mean if you wanna be "I'd like that a lot can we go back to bed now I'm tired "ofc we can I said picking them up bridle style and carrying them to there room

A/n sorry if this sucks I'm sick and pretty sure I have covid and I'm tired asf anyways I'm gonna go take a nap bye children

bob Velseb x reader (one shots) Where stories live. Discover now