❤a secret❤

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Your pov:alright gentle men as we know the cannibalistic serial killer also known as Bob velseb has escaped and I'm stuck with y'all dumbasses now we can not screw this up or we are being replaced although I don't get why I would be replaced I'm better at this job than you to "right... " whatever let's go I said walking out of the station and getting in the car "let's ask around" we drove to the candy store and walked in "welcome to candy club h-how may I help you officers" have you seen this man"no isn't that the guy who bit off my boyfriends forearm"yeah he escaped prison how's strebers arm"well his nub is doing good he still forgets he doesn't have the arm anymore"I see he still works at the haunted house right"yep he was allowed back sense the incident was last yr"ok well we should keep looking tell us if you see anything "will do"ok how about we split up so it's easier " alright will search this part of town and you search that way"alright I said walking in the direction jack pointed to it was getting dark and kids were now running around getting candy I walked up the steps to see streber "ah hello there y/n" hey streber have you seen that guyescapedit your arm off he escaped "no I haven't seen him " ok then try not to have your other arm bitten off tell me if you see anything "alright"

Nobodys pov:you walked away from the haunted house you walked down the road and to the hill maybe you could find something there you opened the door and looked around you went room to room checking for any signs of him you walked out and felt like you were being watched "alright you can come out now dumbass" you said turning around "oh darling you can't possibly think you can take me back to jail" he said stepping out from the forest "that wasn't my plan my plan is to keep you safe your lucky I decided to help you escape"you said sitting on the steps " yeah thanks for that I have no where to go now tho"he said sitting next to you"you can always stay with me ofc you will have to stay inside and not get caught will need a excuse maybe that you drove out of town or something"You said scooting closer to him

Your pov:he wrapped his arm around me and kissed my forehead so why didnt you come out when me and those to dipshits split up"wanted to see if you could find me "well I did I have the perfect idea I need you to write this down" ok"I gave him paper and a pen "so what is it" write this you will no longer be able to find me or worry about me by the time you have found this I'm already in the next town don't try to contact anyone or I'll find y'all "really? " trust me those to are idiots it will work "alright then here" ok go to my house and I'll be there soon I said walking down the hill "bye dear" bye love I said walking down the side walk I made it to my car and called Jack and john it took them 40 minutes to make it back to the car where tf were you guys this town is hella small it should have not taken 40 minutes "ok you said you found something" yes I found this note that says he has left town "let me see it" god damn wtf is up your ass nvm I said looking at jack and then back at John"... " pfft ok ok just read the note I'm ready to go home I said as they both read it "ok will take it to the station you can go home" alright but tell chief I found the note ill know if you don't I day getting in my car and driving away when I got home I got out and noticed the door open god damn it Bob I said walking in a shutting it I felt something drip onto my forehead I wiped it off to see blood and feel more dripping on my head I turned around to see Bob he wiped his mouth and used his sweater to wipe the blood off my face I hugged him shoving my face in his stomach ughhhhhhh I'm tired asf I felt him pick me up and walk up the steps into my room he layed me on the bed and layed next to me I cuddled up to him and fell asleep

A/n sorry i was meant to post this earlier but I slept in until 4pm and then I was busy I didn't wake up until 4 bc I was watching fnaf vhs tapes on YouTube lol I hope y'all like this 😭

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