⭐Halloween is for freaks and not that kind⭐

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your pov:finally my costume is done this yr im being a sexy demon but I had to make it less revealing sense I was taking my friends lila kid and his friend out for Halloween I I fixed my my head bands and put my pocket knife under my dress I put on my heels (shhh ik it's stupid to have heels on but you'll see why I chose them) I walked out of my house I felt like someone was watching me I just brushed it off and went back in my house oh there it is I said grabbing my bag then walked back out I felt the same thing as before I just walked down the road and finally got to lilas door I knocked as skid opened the door "y/n!!!!" Hey bud "do you know what day it is" I don't think I do do you I said playing along "it's the spookiest day of the spookiest month *does spooky dance*" it is I said doing the dance with him I stood up as lila and pump came to the door "hey you/n" hey lila "are you sure you got them I mean we can just stay here" I'm sure I got them hey pump and skid turn around I said as they did I pulled up my dress to show the (idk what to call it) the strap that was around my thigh that held up my knife plus I have these tall heels just in case "ok but pls call if anything happens" I will don't worry ok you to ready "yeah let's go by mom"

Nobodys pov:you walked with skid and pump house to house until y'all stopped at a haunted house you saw your friend strebber he told y'all to in joy the haunted house y'all walked through the boys seemed to be happy and not scared at all you on the other hand hated the fact you felt like y'all were being Watched as you stepped out with the boys they seemed to be laughing you smiled remembering the time you and lila were like that "ok where to next you to" you said to them"how about the candy club kevin always gives us free candy"

Your pov:ok sure then when y'all got there kevin looked scared as he got up to shoo away the kids kevin stop there kids they just want candy "oh no they always bring troubled they once gave me fake suger then they got me attacked by a doll and now that thing" I looked out the window  to see a guy dresses up as the devil oh shit lock the doors I said running to the front and shutting it he kept pushing soon he had burst through the door I was holding shut which sent me flying I fell onto my ass "I got this " kevin no I got this I said taking out the knife from my thigh "what are you gonna do little girl your in high heels" yeah well I'm also a bit high and will kick your cannibalistic ass I said getting ready to fight kevin get the kids out back "ugh ok" I wasn't paying attention but he charged at me I jumped up and kicked him in the back doing a flip look your hot and all and I'm all for that but I promised my best friend I would keep her kids safe

Nonodys pov:you weren't paying attention as you blabbered on about the kids and how your gonna whoop his ass but he kicked you down as you fell he stood over he leaned down to look at you closer "did you know the eyes are the tastiest part of the human body (idk if thats right) " he said "cool did you know not to let your guard down "you said kicking him in the dick as he fell back you looked for your knife as you couldn't find it you took out this miniature knife that was apart of your heel you stood up but didn't see him "oh god damn it"you said you started to walk to the back but felt a arm around your waist and your mouth it slowly dragged you away from the candy shop

Your pov:idk where he was taking me but I was shoved into a closet or something did he just shove me in here by myself I said but right as I said that I felt something grab my thigh and bring me closer as I felt like I was on someone's lap " your so cute when you scared darling "I'm not scared and I look hot when I'm a absolute bad ass sorry for kicking you in the dick but I can't have those kids getting hurt I said kissing him plus why go after them there kids they did nothing" I wasn't after them I was after you"really "yeah " well then how about you show me how much you want me big boy I said kissing him even more he pulled me closer by my hips deepening the kiss I moved my hips around to tease him I felt him get harder (what am I doing with my life 😭)

Nobodies pov: you stopped kissing him as you got up and took off your dress "Halloween is for freaks and not that kinda freaks" yousaid winking at him (no but seriously what am I doing with my life 😭) as I sat back down on his lap I grabbed his hands putting them on my hips he started to kiss and lightly bit your neck "pls bite harder darling don't be scared" you said as he ran his  hands up your stomach and went to squeeze your boobs He massaged them as yall kept kissing soon yall broke apart to catch halls breath "god are you cute " he said starring at you you got up taking off your bra and underwear you pulled his pants  down and took his dick in your hand you licked the tip (....help why do I make this)

Your pov:I teased him for a while until he shoved my head down onto his dick and I wasn't complaining (I'm seriously thinking about how I got here in life 😭) I bobbed my head up and down slowly then gradually going faster he grabbed onto the back of my head helping me (I can't stop laughing for some reason when I read it I read it with a straight face but when I write it I giggle a lot) soon he cummed in my mouth I swallowed it then stood up and sat on his lap as he helped slid it in (I can't do this anymore I'm about to burst out laughing in front of my family) he grabbed my hips as I out my hands on his shoulders he waited for me to adjust soon I started to bounce slowly "fuck you feel so good~" (btw there sitting well bobs sitting and ig you can say your sitting to but on his dick idk 😭) ah faster~ I moaned out as I bounced faster he laid me on my back as he thrusted into me faster and harder when I got a call I answered it trying not to moan "hey are you and the kids ok" Mhm..."ok good are y'all gonna be home soon"yeah d-dont worry"you ok"Mhm just a lil busy talk l-later I said hanging up

Nobodies pov:all the could be heard was loud moans and clappingy(if your happy and you know it clap your hands 😦) y'all both knew y'all were both about to cum so he went faster "OH FUCK~"was all that was heard from both of you he slid out and cuddled you until you remembered you were taking the kids trick or treating " oh for fuck sakes she's gonna kill me "you said getting up

Your pov:I'm sorry but I have to find those kids I forgot about them I should bring them back to there mom I said getting dressed but hey if you ever wanna come over and yk do this or cuddle or hang out here's my number cutie I'll see you soon I said kissing him then walking out I walked to the candy club to see the kids and Kevin scared " y/n  what happened why is your hair a mess why is your nose bleeding and what's that"I wipped my mouth to notice some cum still there oh it's nothing but what happened was when y'all left I stabbed him the he ran then he punched me in the nose and ik that I suck at lying I'll tell you later come on kids your parents are probably worried sick I said as I just remembered that lila had called me "ok then" I walked to lilas house and knocked "hey y/n what happened" I don't wanna talk about it at least not rn they had fun btw ugh I gtg I said getting a text from Bob

A/n this one is really dumb ok I told you I'm not good at writing this shit but anyways I'm really upset that this is getting more reads then my creek book that I work hard on like don't get me wrong this is a great one shot book at least I hope so but my creek book takes time and I work hard on it and I'm not gonna make you read it I'm just saying

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