⭐fuck~⭐(female reader x bob)

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Your pov:I finished putting on my costume you were a sexy angel it showed a lot but you didn't mind it ok now to just get my bag and then I'm ready today is Halloween and my best friend lila wants me to watch her kids while they trick or treat sense she's busy I got to her house knocking "hey y/n you look nice" thanks "skid y/n is here for you and pump" I smiled as they ran down the stairs"y/n"hey guys you said patting them on the head y'all ready "yeah " let's go will start from this side you went to every house until you got a haunted house you walked up and saw your friend streber "welcome to the most haunted house ever " you heard him say as he pushed you three to a mirror and flipped his cap over his head you knew it was green screen bc streber told you all about it you giggled as pump touched the sprout of the pumpkin on his head as it disappeared "as you can't tell I'm a real vampire now go and in joy and get spooked in the scary haunted house " ok then you walked in with them they seemed happy and not scary at all you looked back hearing breathing you saw a guy  with a mask with wide eyes and a big smile he had horns you brushed it off must be a scare actor you said finally getting out of the house ok you to what ya wanna do next"let's go to kevins he always gives free candy"ok let's go I said walking out and seeing streber on the ground covered in blood streber? "Y/n...ca-call.... The am-ambulance pl-pls " oh shit I got out my phone and called 911 after they came and got him pls keep me updates on him

Bobs pov:I watched as she left with the two little kids she's so pretty I want her to be my angel (hehe sense your wearing the angel costume it's only right) I walked in the shadows as they got to a candy store I heard yelling and stood by the window staring at her

Your pov:come on kev there kids "no they always bring me trouble see that's trouble *points out window*" hey it's that devil I saw you said oh shit is that "why is he following y'all" idk but I think he's the one to attack streber you said and he walked into the store he walked up shit you watched as Kevin poured candy all over the floor "what is that gonna do " you looked at him as you heard his deep voice you heard running and a bang Kevin had fallen "are you ok kev" shit were gonna die you said as he pulled out a knife "everyone outside now" you tried to leave out the back but he grabbed you by the hair ahh shit let go "hmm no your mine now darling" wha-what you said as your face flushed a bright red "aw is someone flustered over a little name" n-no look let me go"no*dragges*were are we going "no where"you bit his hand and ran away after he let go you opened a door oh fuck me why is there even a closet her I walked over to a box and hid behind them " come out come out where ever you are sweet heart I won't hurt you "yeah right I said a lil to loud I saw the box move as he nealed down in front of me putting a hand on my cheek I felt my face heat up a lot

Nobodys pov:y/n was scared of what he was gonna do they staired at each other until bob had enough and kissed her and licked her bottom lip she gasped as he slid his tongue in her mouth as she moaned a lil she grabbed his shirt deepening the kiss

Your pov:we both pulled away to catch are breaths he started to kiss my neck as I tried not to moan " let them out I wanna here you cute and adorable moans darling "I started moaning a lot as he found my sweet spot on my neck " may I? "I nodded my head already knowing what he was asking for he took of my dress and staired at my tits (hehe titties 😋) I covered them up just for him to take them off" don't hide them sweet heart "I felt my face heat up as he licked and sucked on my boobs I kept moaning after he was done he took off his clothes I could see his member through his boxers I pulled his boxers down as his dick was now in my face I licked the tip as he looked down at me I licked it again as he grabbed my hair and pushed his dick into my mouth (I can't stop laughing help!! 😭) I started bobbing (bob🤨) my head up and down soon he cummed he took off my under wear as he lined himself up and slammed Into me he waited for me to adjust soon I did and rolled my hips soon he started thrusting harder and faster than before

Nobodys pov:the closet was filled with moans and the sound of clapping (if your happy and you know it clap your hands ok ok fine I'll stop💀) bob kept thrusting harder they both knew they were gonna cum so y/n flipped them over (magic 😦) she started to ride him until they both cummed y/n got up putting her clclothes back on

Your pov:I have to go find those kids but I will be happy to see you again" ofc darlin I'm always here for you"here's my number if you ever wanna hang out or do this again maybe with less hair pulling "sorry" it's ok I said kissing him but seriously I have to found the kids maybe meet at my house later tonight maybe we can watch a movie and cuddle I'll buy some candy if you like"i-i would like that"ok bye then I said walking out of the closet I went back to the candy shop to see Kevin eating candy with the kids"y/n! "Hey guys I said sitting on the counter" what happened and why do you have that on your neck "oh he had got me and was chocking me but I broke free an ran over here " oh "yeah well we should get going I'm sure your parents are worried sick" bye kev"yeah bye Kevin oh you should probably check on streber he's been in the hospital "what" yeah I thought I told you"oh shit you did"bye

A/n omg is this ass I think it is I couldn't stop giggling and laughing while writing this it was so funny and if it wasn't a good idea writing this during the day with family around bc my parents almost saw this 😭

bob Velseb x reader (one shots) Where stories live. Discover now