💕dont steal my thunder darlin💕 (bob x murderer reader)

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Your pov:as I covered there mouth and stabbed there chest with my knife soon the screaming stops as I heard something fall upstairs in there house oh shit did they have family here I thought they lived alone well shit I said as I heard someone coming down stairs I look up to see a person wearing a devil costume I watched as he pulled out a knife damn really I said looking at them"I've seen and heard about you darlin "I felt my face heat up 1 don't call me that 2 aren't you that cannibal/murderer who escaped prison" yeah"damn how do you even get caught "idk just shut up or I'll kill you" test me bitch I said as he charged at me I jumped up over him I took my knife while while I jumped over him and stabbed him in the back (damn took back stabbing to literal) "

Bobs pov:I felt a sharp pain in my back I took out the knife from my back and stair at her I threw the knife but she just lightly pulled up her shirt pulling another one out damn is this bitch crazy"look I don't wanna hurt you but if you charge at me again I'll beat your ass"don't steal my thunder darlin "...i told you not to call me that why are you here anyways" 1 I won't stop calling you that sweetheart and 2 bc I was gonna eat them and kill them but you killed them so it makes it easier on me thank you darlin "oh kiss my ass" gladly "I didn't really mean it" yeah well I said biting the persons arm your really cute yk that right"I'm not cute I'm hot so take this knife and shove it up your ass"I rather not

Your pov:I watched as he got closer to me I backed up into the corner and pointed my knife at him but he grabbed my wrist pulling them over my head "your cute when you try to protect yourself" oh yeah I said with a smirk"yeah"let's see if you find this cute I said kissing him but stopped when we heard sirens he picked me up and swung me over his shoulder

Nobodys pov:he ran with y/n on his back as he got to a house and sat you down "I'm not a  baby yk that right I could have ran by myself" you said "yeah but you would have taken forever cutie" you had a mad expression "aww your mad" bob said starring into her eyes "I am not " "Mhm sure darlin"

Your pov:whatever just idk can we ugh how do I out this c-can"aw someone's stuttering "you know what I said pulling him onto the bed I just won't ask I'll demand it we are going to cuddle " ugh"aw who's the flustered one now my lil devil "oh I see " hush I said trying to go to sleep "goodnight darling*the next day*i woke to see bob right next to me I tried to get out of his grasp but it was no use " nice try"I need to go to the store if you let me go when I get back I'll cook you up a human "sure then" thanks

A/n ok this one is short ok I'll post another one after this ok jeez 😦

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