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Your pov:I woke up to Bob gone I checked what time it is it's 5pm on Halloween well if ik were he's at I said to my self as my phone went off I grabbed it and answers it "y/n" oh hey marina "boss says you need to get here " ok well does he want me to bring the outfit "yeah duh" ok ok I'll be there in a minute I said getting up and grabbing my back pack placing my outfit and some shit that I needed in there when all of a sudden the door opened oh jeez I zipped up the bag and saw Bob come in"hey darlin where ya heading "oh just to visit a friend I should be back later tonight " wai-"I ran out the house before he asked anymore questions I ran towards a building and went to the back I knocked on the back door"hello"hey "what's the password" shit ugh oh killers be killers I whispered "come on in y/n" thanks oh hey marina it's been a while"it's been 4 months chill"we should hang out more I say walking into the bathroom to change

Bobs pov:I had a buddy follow y/n I was concerned cause she never runs out like that  I hope she's ok I walked into a house seeing a family well if a mother and her kids I went over and stabbed the mom then the kids after killing them I tore of there skin one by one I ate some but decided to save some

Your pov:really I said happily "yeah why are you happy" bc that bitch use to bully me in high school she's totally gonna get what she deserves"ok then I want you marina and eclipse on the case now"got it let's go we walked out and got ready ok so how are we gonna do this there like rich asf "easy the security is right here,here,and,here will have you from the side without them me and her will get the ones out side you'll get the ones by her door" got it lets go I said putting my hood on and the mask we ran  through the shadows and soon got to her house ok let's do this I went in through the side then climbed Into a vent ok there are guards here I dropped down behind them I kicked them both down stabbing one in the head and snapping the other ones neck

??? Pov:I watched as y/n ran with people to a house I saw he go in so I did to I watched as she kicked ass then walked away I followed her and saw her stand by a door as to other people showed up"ok ready"I looked to see them open the door and snuck in I later watched them come out with some lady I went back to the roof and called job"hey dexter dis you find out what it is"yeah uh*explains*"what... "Yeah well I think she's heading  home now.

Your pov:*hrs later*its now 2 in the morning as I finally get home I opened the door I tried to sneak up stairs but bob saw me" care to explain why your late"what are you my mom like I said I was with a friend she was really upset"don't lie"I'm telling the truth"ik your lying "what" quite lying "I don't know what your talking about " let me see your bag"why? "Just let me " fine I said hesitantly "what's this" oh no...oh it's just a random outfit I have I found it at the store "y/n I had dexter spy on you so why are you lying " you what do you not trust me "I was worried" worried what that I was cheating on you oh wow like that makes it better I said grabbing my shit but he grabbed my wrist"it's not like that I was worried"I don't wanna hear it now let go of me bob"y/n why didn't you tell me"bc.. "You already know about me so why hide this" BECAUSE IF I DID THEY WOULD HAVE FUCKING KILLED YOU I yelled shoving him away and grabbing my shit and leaving

Nobodys pov:you walked out of the house pissed off you knew where you were  going bob on the other had  was crying he tried to call out to her but you wouldn't listen you just kept walking and walking until you got to the house you knocked as a girl answered"y/n you ok"you ran up to her and hugged her while crying "woah you ok" no he doesn't trust me lila "oh y/n sweetheart " and he speed on me then yelled at me so I ran out on him "hush it's gonna be ok you wanna stay here for a while" you nodded your head as you got up helping her up "you know we're the guest bedroom is I'll make you some coffee " she said walking away you went to the guest bedroom and wrapped up in the blankets

Your pov:I couldn't stop crying I felt like my life was falling apart when I got a call hello *sniffles "y/n we need- have you been crying" yeah"why"I don't wanna talk about it do I have to come in now"I'll ask"ok"they said no but we do need you tomorrow "ok I said hanging up lila soon came in with the coffee I drank it and we talked for a while till I fell asleep I woke up to a knock on the window I got up opening it " y/n"what"I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that I should have just left it alone "I sat on the window ceal I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him it's ok I forgive you but you can't tell anyone that you know about it" I won't "good I love you " I love you to darlin

A/n I love how this one turned out it's actually really good yet also ass bc I went to bed at 7 in the morning and woke up 50 minutes later so that was fun not really tho lol ok bye children

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