💔💕i love you💕💔

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Your pov:what? "I said get out you cheating bitch" I didn't cheat babe"get out you fat bitch"b-but"I said get the fuck out"I ducked and dodged a chair I ran out the door and out the house wait a fucking minute that's my house wtf I walked back in and stomped up the stairs"I told you to get out"this is my god damn house get the fuck out you peice of shit I didn't cheat but believe your side hoe why don't you go back and have her peg your ass again "wh-at " you heard me get the fuck out and go get pegged by your little hoe "you know what I'm not taking this" no I'm not taking this were over you ugly piece of shit have fun with your side hoes I screamed as he walked out I broke down crying on the ground idk why he accused me of cheating idk why I stayed with him even though I know he was cheating "knock knock you ok" does it look like I'm ok streber"jeez sorry"no no I'm sorry "well I see this isn't the time to ask if you wanna hang out ima just go"ok.... " hey you ok"if wanting to kill myself ok then ig so "what happened" he accused me of cheating with you "damn sorry that happened you don't need him he was abusive and annoying anyways "I loved him bob" I'm here for you darling it's gonna be ok I'll deal with him"pls don't hurt him bob"fine I won't only bc nvm"bc of what "nvm let's go do something to cheer you up darling"

Nobodys pov:bob picked you up and swung you over his shoulder and walked out the house "bob where are we going " you said sitting on bobs shoulders "some where fun where do you wanna go" he said coming to a stop"let's go to the park and walk through the woods that always cheers me up"you said as he started to walk again "welp to the park we go then" he walked to the park with you on his shoulders he set you down and held your hand you felt you face heat and you looked down and started walking Into the woods "so how's work" bob asked "well I almost got fired bc if this one girl but other than that it's been good" you said letting go of his hand and walking over to a tree "so do you wanna talk about the break up" bob said walking over to the tree you were now climbing "maybe I do ugh idk where to start ugh you already know he was abusive but I started cutting I've tried to stop "

Your pov:I swear I have tried but I don't think I can i-i tried to end it all I guess you can tell that didn't go well or ig that it did go well bc I'm here idk man this fucking sucks I don't think anyone ever loved me or ever will "well I love you" w-what I missed the limb of the tree and fell down I hit one last branch and landed in bobs arm "are you ok" yeah I'm fine what did you say"I said I love you"that's what I thought you said I said kissing him can we go home now "ofc darling " we walked home and opened the door I walked into the kitchen and made some food when I got a call from a unknown number I ignored it but it called back I grabbed my phone and answered "y/n take me back pls I promise I'll be better " i-"listen here she's mine so why don't you go back to getting pegged you dumb fuck leave her alone or else "Bob... "Have a horrible life or should I say the rest of your life " Bob hun pls don't "I won't " I knew he was lying but I mean my ex does deserve it oh bob hun can you ha-ugh were did he go damn it bob

A/n so I got broken up with for like 2 days and then we got back together and I'm happy bc I love them ig you can tell I wrote this when I got broken up with this isn't how the break up went at all my partner is wonderful anyways bye children

bob Velseb x reader (one shots) Where stories live. Discover now