⭐psycho love pt2⭐

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Your pov:it's been 2 hrs and I'm now sitting in bobs lap we were now watching some movie I wasn't paying attention bc I'm to busy scrolling through the news when all of a sudden my phone was snatched hey give It back man I was reading that"your supposed to be watching the movie "meh your supposed to be watching the movie I mocked him in a childish tone" your really gonna act like that"and your gonna act big when really your just like a big teddy bear now give me my phone handsome "why should I" just give it "no your good" I let out a sigh as I thought I soon got a idea I started to move my hips around and smirked (wtf am I doing why am I writing this at 2:58 in the morning) he started to groan as I kept moving my hips soon he grabbed me and held me still by my waist "now now darlin you don't wanna start something you can't finish" oh my does someone not remember I can finish what I start "oh can you now" I can I said as are faces were now inches apart

Nobodys pov:you pulled Bob by the collar of his sweater and kissed him he bit you bottom lip you opened your mouth as his tongue slipped into your mouth you grabbed his hair and pulled him more into the kiss y'all both pulled away to catch yalls breath soon he went to kissing your neck you felt him getting hard underneath you, you positioned him with his back onto the couch as you sat on top of him he went to kiss you as you kissed back he pulled your shirt off you covered your boobs with your hand he uncovered them and said "aw don't hide them your so beautiful darlin " you felt your face heat up as he started to kiss your boobs he started to bite as you moaned he started to kiss down your stomach and to waist line he pushed you down off him until your back hit the couch he got on top and pulled your panties down

Your pov:I felt as he licked my clit I moaned out really loud my body started to get sensitive he kept licking I put my hand on his head ruffling his hair as he kept licking I felt the knot in my stomach i-im go-gonna cum~ right as I moaned those words out my hand gripped his hair as I cummed he got up and pulled his pants down and his boxers  And got back on top of me he smacked my ass "are you ready darling" yeah~"beg for it"hah you want me to beg for it "I do " make me "ok"I felt one of his hands snake down my body as the other one wrapped around my throat I felt one finger go inside me I grabbed his hair and smashed are lips together and deepened the kiss I wasn't gonna let him get the satisfaction of my moans plus I'll live without breathing for a while

Nobodys pov:Bob added another finger and sped up his pace you tried to hold back a moan his grip on your throat wasn't that hard you were still being able to breath you pulled away and took deep breaths he added another finger and fingered you faster you felt like coming and he could tell right as you were about to he pulled out his fingers you whined from the lost of touch " bob~" you moaned out "beg for it dear " he said starring into your eyes"fine bob pls fuck me~"you moaned out he loosened his grip picked you up and sat you down on his lap slowly entering your hole (im not laughing you are 👀) he held onto your waist and waited for you to adjust to his size soon you started to bounce and he helped you you bounced up and down with his help soon you pushed him down to were he was now laying down on the couch

Your pov:i started to bounce on my own after I pushed him to were he's now laying down I kept bouncing until he pushed me down and slipped himself out he turned me around to now were my backs facing him he stuck him self back I'm and grabbed my hair pulling it fuck~ I moaned out he kept pounding into me I felt his hand slap my ass ngh~"good girl your doing so well"I felt my face heat up as I kept moaning "keep moaning for me there so adorable" he pulled my hair more as I moaned i-i g-gonna c-cu-cum~ right as I moaned that out I ended up Cumming but he kept going (I'm tired asf and I'm still writing this rn help!!!!!) Tears fell down my face I was getting over stimulated I could barley say anything I felt him lean over me and start to bite my neck I moaned from pain and pleasure (and I'm trying not to laugh)

Nobodys pov:sounds of moans and clapping (if your happy and you know it clap your hands or in this case just clap ok I'm sorry I'll stop) could be heard all throughout the house good thing you live deep in the woods right? Soon Bob came inside you as he pulled out you hugged him "can I have my phone back now hun" you said kissing his cheek "after we take a shower " he said "ugh fine but can you help me " you said as you tried to stand up"sure"he picked you up bridal style and y'all went to take a shower

A/n I'm tired even tho it's 3:33 in the afternoon I mean I woke up 2 hrs ago and I'm still tired but I got this done so hurray I couldn't stop laughing ok bye children :]

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