💔💕thats not right💕💔

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your pov:I was dragged through the halls of the prison I was soon sat down into a chair and chained to it wow I never thought I would die like this they didn't even out a bag over my head idk why maybe bc the rest of my family wants to see me suffer you may be asking how I got here when I was younger a lot of shit went down I dealt with it for yrs soon I snapped killing my parents and half my family I was sent to jail and am now sentenced to die by electric chair I look through the glass and see horror in my sisters eyes I smile and wait when a speaker comes on "would you like to say one last thing y/n l/n " yeah I never regretted what I did I was abused they called me fat and things like a whore and I should die but you see I tried but got yelled at when they found out I was cutting they acted like they cared but right after they went back to hating me and my siblings idk I snapped and killed them I don't feel bad and if I could go back and redo it I would have made it were I don't get caught and maybe I would have killed them better and not have let him get away I said looking into the eyes of my sister as she cried do it....i said I closed my eyes but it never came instead I was picked up and swung over someones shoulder

Nobodys pov:you were carried out of the jail you didn't try to escape you were wondering what would happen if you just let this strange person take you......you obviously didn't care if you would have willing got into the electric chair you closed your eyes just in joying the breeze soon the person came to a halt and sat you down you looked up to see a red Devil specifically the killer and cannibalistic one to "bob by the way" he said to you "hi I'm y-" you were cut off "y/n ik I heard then say your name" he said starring into your eyes "why did you like save me " you said a lil upset "bc I've been watching you not in a creepy way I just look I've seen you and I found you very pretty "

Your pov:why thank you I said starring into his eyes"hey you ok"what oh yeah I said now looking down while a tear fell down my cheek"hey you ok"not really I just can't stop thinking of how I should have died I mean maybe my idiot parents were right I should have killed myself I am just a fat piece of shit I said wrapping my hands around my own stomach "hey don't talk like that they didn't deserve you you didn't deserve to be treated like that and I think your very pretty darlin so why does it matter what they think you don't deserve to die nor did you deserve to be called fat nobody should be " but i am fat"your not fat your chubby and I think it makes you even more beautiful darlin "really I said looking at him" ofc"idk maybe I should have stayed in the electric chair maybe it was for the best"it wasn't look it's your life and I bearly know you but I love you y/n"you do I said as my eyes widened "ofc" I've never been told that before I said kissing his cheek thank you"no problem darling but we should probably get going "your right I said hearing sirens I grabbed my knife and put it in my belt (if your asking how she had changed cloths during this and still had her knife hidden in a abandoned house)let's go my lil devil I said grabbing his hand and running

Nobodys pov:bob was wondering were y'all were going as the sirens grew closer you opened up a car door well you broke the window then opened it you messed with the sirens as it turned on you open the other door gesturing for him to get in as he did y'all both drove away out of town away from everything

A/n this is longer than most of my fluff ones and I kinda love this one but anyways I'm back as you can tell :]

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