💕✨my angel✨💕

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This was requested by IsabellaRose538abellaRose538
I hope you like this =]

What a lovely day I just love this world except for the horrible things that happened here I was sent to earth for a while bc heaven didn't want me there and neither did hell so I'm just a angel on earth "yo y/n you paying attention" hmm oh what"I was asking if you wanted to go trick of treating with me tonight "we are 24 why would we go trick or treating" bc we are both short and could pass as 17 yr olds"ok fine I mean I do want free candy "yay and look sense we are both angels we can just be are selves humans will just believe their costumes" true that's a very good idea Rosie "ik I'm just that smart" sure you are we should get going "alright let's do this " we walked out as we saw kids running around "let's go to this house first" ok ok calm down your like a little kid trick or treat"aren't y'all to old for this"ugh we are 17 you saying we told old "no sorry " thanks I said as she gave us candy and waked away "bro that was rude" fr tho hey do you feel like someone is watching us"yeah I do"hey there is a guy under that lamp post "we should just go to candy club and get candy and then head back to your house before we get murdered"yea your right I said as we started walking to candy club

Nobody's pov:you kept feeling like they were still following you so you grabbed you friends arm and said" how about we take a shirt cut threw this allyway I feel like we are still being watched as followed" she nodded her head and y'all walked into the allyway and the feeling of being followed and watched went away y'all made it out the allyway and saw candy clubbed you walked in to hear Kevin yelling at 2 kids that everyone knew their names were skid and pump "you all ways bring me trouble see that's trouble"

Your pov:I was Grabbing candy when I was pulled"y/n isn't that the guy you saw"yeah now that I see him closer he's kinds hot*gets hit on head*ow Rosie"shit y/n what do we do"idk does it look like I'm good at this why tf do you think we aren't allowed in hell or heaven"true"I felt my hand get grabbed and was pulled into a hug"thanks for the free sugar"did he just call me sugar oh god "you let her go"no pls don't your warm asf" welp you heard my darling she doesn't want me to"I felt my face heat up at the new pet name "y/n?!? " idk who tf you are but your kinda hot wait no not kinda you are hot "why thanks darling how about we go to some other place " oh yes pls by Rosie I'll see you later at home if I don't get murdered first "y/n wait! " hmm"you can't just go"but he's hot tho and nobody else will fuck me or call me pet names and look at him he's like a big teddy bear I said As I was picked up and put on to his shoulder as he continued to walk out and down the side walk until we got to the house on the hill

Nobody's pov:he carried you inside and you saw a lot of people "your back who is the girl" one of the guys wearing a red robe asked "that's non of your business will be in my room" he walked to what you guessed was his room "don't be loud" you heard another one yell as Bob sets you down and locks the door he goes to sit next to you when you stop him"wait I have something to say"you said scratching the back of your neck"what is it"he said sitting on the bed "I'm not...im not human I'm a angel that was sent down to earth bc I was casted out " Bob stayed silent you pulled you shirt off to show him your wings better you could see the confusion on his face"if you still don't believe grab my halo jus don't pull it"he reached for your halo and touched it he seemed to notice it wasn't fake "ik you probably think Im ugly " Bob pulled you into a kiss and then pulled away"this only make you more beautiful "

Your pov:I kiss him but longer this time I wrapped my arms around his neck we started making out as he pushed me into the bed mmh- I moaned a little bit as he kissed and sucked on my neck i wrapped my wings around him while he sucked on my neck idk why i just did he started to kiss down my neck and down to my shoulder where he started to bite down i moaned louder than before as he sucked the new wound he started kissing down my shoulder to my boobs (boobies <3) he sucked on one of my boobs and massaged the other one with his hand he arched my back as he kissed down my stomach while rubbing his hands up and down my sides he looked up at me and i nodded already knowing what he was asking for he slid my shorts off alonge with my panties (panties is a funny word you cant lie ) he spredded my legs more and started licking my clit oh fuck~ i moaned out as he started licking faster i felt his tongue slip in i arched my back again moaning more

nobobodys pov:he took his tongue out and stood up pulling off his clothes and postioned himself "are you ready"he asked "mhm" he pushed him self in and waited for you to adjust after you did he started thrusting slowly soon started to spead up you moaned alot louder trying to be quite but that was not gonna happen especially sense your pretty sure they already heard you you continued to moan as he bit down on your neck he licked and sucked on the new wound "b-bob im g-gonn-gonna cum" rigth as you said that you came and soon after he did to you sat up as your wings twitched a lil he pulled you back down and hugged you you cuddled up to him and kissed him on his forehead as you soon fell asleep

a/n i hope you like this its kinda sucks bc ive been busy and had to get searched yesterday bc of my brother taking shit from my uncle but hey i finnaly got it done anyways i would also like to say this is the end of this one-shot book  i might make another one in  the futuer idk tho anyways bye kids

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