Leave me alone

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It started as a normal day for M/n, he had finally woken up on time for the first time in his life. He had safely delivered his gift to the nice lady, and had slowly savored the taste of bread and coffee. He went through his class without falling asleep and is now walking to the cafeteria in peace.




Some things not right, my spidey senses are tingling.
No seriously, I feel something bad is going to happen.

He wasn't wrong. As moments later when he had finally gotten his lunch and sat at his regular table. The same duo from yesterday were heading to his table, next to them was a new addition to their small group. Jiho

They sat across from M/n.
They all introduced themselves properly.
M/n rushed to finish his food so he could leave.

"Hey, isn't that the guy that beat Zack?"
"He's pretty"

That's pretty gay if you ask me
M/n thought.

"I'm better looking, right?"

M/n wiped his head around to find the sound of that voice.


Vin : Hm? "And a chipmunk"

They stared at each other for a couple of seconds.
M/n still chewing with crumbs on the corners of his mouth, and a faint trail of sauce trickling down his chin. Swallowing, he quickly turns towards his tray, stuffing more food in his face, chewing as fast as he can.

Vin: "I heard you lost to that pretty boy Zack."
"You drag around these ugly characters too."

Zack : ". . well, I lost to a pretty boy. But I could probably take you."
"And these rats you hang out with aren't normal either. "

Vin : "Hey. You wanna die?"

Zack : "Try me" he says whilst throwing a straight punch only to stop at a millimeter from his face.

But even if he had gone through with it, his punch wouldn't have done any damage because Vin would have thrown him away.

Everyone starts to take notice of the conflict between the two.

"What fight?"
"Zack and Vin?"

"May the best man win."

M/n recognized one of the voices, turning his head only to confirm he was right.


Damn, I'm out of time. He looks at the last item on his plate.
Chocolate pudding.

He had saved the best for last.
He decided to take it with him, and leave as quickly and quietly as possible but Daniel had other plans.

Daniel: "h-Hey!"

Daniel! You dumbass!

Vasco takes notice of who is with Daniel and quickly assumes the worst. Thinking that Daniel is picking on the weaker ones.

Vasco : "Who are you?"
"You know me?"

As Vasco approaches Daniel M/n puts on his hoodie tugging on the draw strings making sure to cover his face as much as possible.

Vasco : "Even if you are strong. Don't screw around."
He says as he proceeds to grab Daniels shoulder, squeezing it.

Daniel withstanding Vasco's powerful grip amazed everyone, but what really shocked them is when he carelessly took off Vasco's hand from his shoulder.

Daniel : "Sorry if I bothered you, I thought you were someone else."

M/n was trying his hardest not to laugh, as he watched everything unfold.

Finding it even more funny when a certain someone decides to step in.

Jace : Forcing a laugh he tries his best to fake a smile "HAHA Yeah! So you thought he was someone else?"

Daniel : "Yeah . . Sorry"

Jace : "Nah, it happens"
"What class are you? Fashion?"

Daniel : "Yep"

Jace : "Oh, so you're the new guy."

Daniel : "Yep!"

Jace : "Forget it and eat."

Daniel : "Ok!"

M/n had completely forgotten about his plan to escape. So when he tried to leave Vasco caught sight of him.

Vasco : "M/n?"

Slowly turning around he sees Vascos conflicted expression. Not wanting to deal with their shit anymore he attempts to sprint out the cafeteria.



Key word attempt.


Luckily someone had closed the cafeteria doors while he was making his way towards it. This caused him to slam into the metal doors creating a human mold.

Everyone stared at the now unconscious M/n. And his crushed cup of chocolate pudding.

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