( O.o)

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The warehouse has to be somewhere around here.

What are you doing here?"

and .  . That guy.
M/n forced a smile as he walked towards them.
"Just walking around.
What about you?"

"Oh, I'm going to help the instructor at the warehouse"

"Ok, I'll come with-"

"No, no. It's ok, I only need one person to help me."
The man smiled as he tried to grab hold of Mira.

M/n quickly stepped in "No, I insist"
Once Mira looked away M/n dropped his smile.
His piercing e/c eyes sent a shiver down the man's spine.

This guy is crazy so I can't let my guard dow-wait . What is that?

M/n set the box down to dig through the shelf in an attempt to find the shiny thing that caught his eye.

Before he could even reach the item he felt something hard hit the back of his head.
He stood up from his squat position and turned to see a shocked Zeus holding a slightly bent metal pole.

Mira screamed, she rushed over to M/n only to be thrown to the wall by Zeus.

Before M/n could react, Won Bin bursts into the room. Seeing as M/n was distracted Zeus shoves M/n towards the shelf. Causing him to stumble back and knock over the boxes.

"M/n! Watch out!"

M/n looked up to see all the boxes raining down on him.
Oh shit

M/n could hear a few faint voices arguing amongst each other.
His dim e/c eyes slowly fluttered open.
His vision was a bit hazy but he still managed to grab a nearby object and use it to help him up.

When his vision became clear he smirked seeing as he was holding a shiny metal bat.

How convenient

His smile wavered at the sight in front of him. Seeing the instructor beat up and Mira curled up in a ball sobbing in the corner made him feel immense rage.

He made his way to Mira, gently setting his hand on her head and patting it.
She looks up at him with teary eyes.
"Don't worry Mira, I promise I won't let him touch you. So don't cry." He smiles, gently wiping away the stray tears on her cheeks.

She lightly blushed at the action.
The heartwarming scene didn't last long as Mira's face paled, her eyes trained on the thing behind him.

"He's behind me, isn't he?"
He bluntly said

She ferociously nodded

M/n swiftly dodged a punch to the face.
The fast movement caused his head to spin. The previous blows to the head really affected him. He felt a warm liquid trail down his neck. Bringing his hand to the back of his head he quickly looked to see

Son of a bitch

He tightly gripped his head, using the metal bat to hold him up, the pain had gotten worse. It felt like his head was being sawed in half while being dipped in acid.

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