The Cranky Demon

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A/N: I just wanna say sorry for taking a long time to update. I honestly have just been busy with school and loss motivation. But I'll try to update when I can, for those of who want to read this.

M/n had worked overtime so he was feeling more cranky than usual. The girls in his class were bothering him so much he was so close to yelling at them to stop. Lucky for him it only took one galre for them to stop.

It was lunch time, for once he was feeling happy.

Taking his lunch, he sits at the regular table along with Daniel, Zoe, Jiho, and Duke?
That means the festival is near.

Everything was going great, M/n and the others were having fun talking to each other. And M/n was finally regaining his energy.

Until a cup flew their way, bouncing off the table and hitting M/n in the forehead then landing on his food. Some splattering on his hoodie.

M/n looked at his now dirty hoodie. Again?

He looked up to see Vin

Vin : "Hey, Duke. Get me some water."
Now looking at Daniel.
"So you're the new transfer,  you're handsome I like that.
You want a Cigarette?  Let's smoke.
Blah blah blah"

Meanwhile M/n got up, took the cup and filled it with water. Now walking towards Vin.

Vin : What are they looking at? (Referring to the glaring Jay and Daniel)

Zack : "Hey, Vin Jin. Get it yourself. Is your hand broken?"

"Wow. What's up with Zack nowadays?"
"He's not bullying anyone lately."

Vin : "Wanna get messed up? Cheeky Bugger"

Zack : "Can't you see anything with those glasses on?
I bet you like stealing Honey Butter Chips"

"Hey! Vin."

They all turn to M/n.
M/n : Standing in front of Vin with the cup in hand, he throws the water at Vins face while saying in a calm voice "here's your water"
He smiles innocently.

Vin : "wah-Hey! You fucker!" He grabs M/n's collar lifting him.

M/n : "Let go of me you ass!"

Vasco : "Vin, leave M/n alone. And didn't your mom tell you not to throw stuff on the floor?"

Vin : Letting go of M/n he says " What? Wanna fight?"

Vasco : "Fine. Take off your glasses. "

Vin : "Forget that! Bring it!"

Vasco : "I don't hit someone with glasses."

Vin : He kicks a table knocking over trays filled with food "Fuck!" And leaves

M/n beams as he Thanks Vasco for helping him.

Vasco : A tint of pink dust appears on his cheeks "No problem."

"Here" M/n hands him a carton of chocolate milk.

"Hm? oh thank you." Vasco smiles as he takes the carton of milk

Time skip

M/n had gotten off work and was heading to the Convenience store to buy a snack.

Walking in he hears Mini Daniel singing. To which Daniel abruptly stops as soon as he hears someone come in.

M/n : "Your voice . It's nice"

Daniel : "Thank you"

M/n then taught Daniel some tips to train his vocal cords that he had learned from a friend in his previous life. Just as they were practicing the door opened revealing a beautiful girl.


Crystal : "You are singing today? You have a lovely voice.  It's great to see you enjoying your work. "
She notices M/n sitting next to Daniel, and glares at him thinking he's pushing him around or something. To which M/n returns the glare.
She pays for her items and leaves Daniel an energy drink, "Drink this and hang in there!"

Once she left, M/n nudged Daniel's arm, wiggling his eyebrows in a playful manner. "Oooh~ Someone has a crush~" he cooed

Daniel : "n-No I don't!"

M/n : "Come on. Just admit it! Give me the dets"

Daniel : "I'm serious! I don't have a crush!" at least not on her he thinks a light blush dusting over his soft cheeks as he looks at M/n's curious e/c eyes.

M/n : Shrugging his shoulders he checks the time on his phone "Liar. Anyways, it's getting late. I have to go, see you later Daniel."

Daniel : "Ye-wait-how do you know my name?"

M/n : "Your name tag dumbass"

Daniel : "Oh"

M/n : "Bye" He smiles waving goodbye

Daniel returns the smile and waves goodbye "yeah, bye"

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