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Running in heels is harder than I thought.

Huffing and puffing M/n managed to make it just in time to see Vasco on the stage.

"There are no bids! Architec-"


Everyone parts like the Red Sea revealing a beautiful 'girl' panting as 'she' tries to regain 'her' composure.

"I bid $10!" M/n repeats, determination displayed on his face.

The bakery dude and everyone else stood there stunned.
Why would someone like her bid on him? They thought.

Vasco squints as he stares at the girl. She looks familiar he thought

The bakery dude cleared his throat "um o-Ok! Sold! For $10!"

Sorry vasco, my broke ass can't afford to pay more than $10.

After the vocal dept guy was sold for 50 cents, next was Daniel's turn.

Everyone started bidding left and right.

M/n's stomach grumbled.

Ah shit!

M/n quickly rushed to the bathroom. Pushing and shoving anyone in his way.
He didn't notice but he ended up shoving a man in a yellow dress shirt. The man in the yellow shirt watched as M/n ran to the mens bathroom just to turn back to go to the womens. He snickered.

Fuck! There's a line!

Clutching his stomach he decided to run to the back of the school and sneak in from there.

After he was done taking a shit he proceeded to throw his stuff out of the window and then jumping out himself.

Little did he know he was being watched by Daniel and two other people.

"Hup! *Thud* ah Shit! Fuck!" Grabbing his ankle he winces at the sudden pain.

Son of a bitch! I twisted my ankle!

Someone rushes over to M/n extending a hand he says. "a-Are you ok?"

Looking up he meets Daniel's concerned face.
"Hm? oh yeah, it's just a scratch" he says grabbing Daniels hand to help him up.

Daniel walks over to the two other people.
M/n decided to just stick around to see what it was about.

Oh! It's Crystal and Gun.

Daniel thanks Crystal for bidding on him. Which causes a huge misunderstanding and Daniel ends up getting kicked on the shoulder.

I whistle, amazed at the scene that unfolded before me.
Sure I could've helped Daniel but it's just more fun this way.
I snicker, trying my best to keep a straight face.

"Hey Glasses. What do you think you're doing? I saw everything you punk" a stern voice speaks up from behind.


Gun: "Who are you? His friend?"

Vasco: "Yeah, his friend. . . So don't mess with him. Or you mess with me." He says rolling his shoulders.

M/n quickly stepped forward grabbing Guns hand before it made contact with Vascos face.

"Sorry, but I can't let you ruin my date's face." M/n says with an innocent smile.

They all stood there stunned.

Crystal: s-She just grabbed Guns hand?! Like it was nothing?!

Guns mouth gapes open. His eyes danced around M/n's body. Studying him.
"Interesting" He says, a smirk now plastered on his face.

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