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"Welcome home~"

M/n froze, flicking on the light switch to reveal Goo smiling 'innocently' at him. While Gun sat on his chair with arms crossed and his usual stoic expression.

"What the hell are you two doing here?"
He shook his head "No, wait. How did you even get in? We're on the second floor.
And what happened to your face?"

Goo dropped his smile, "Tch! Ask him." He pointed towards Gun who also had a few bruises here and there.

Gun ignored M/n's questions and instead asked him one of his own. "Where have you been?"

"What's it to you?"

"You didn't answer any of my calls or texts. Who were you with?"
He stood up, walking closer to him.

"None of your business.
My phone was on silent."
M/n lifted an eyebrow, was Gun trying to intimidate him?

M/n set down his bag, feeling too tired to continue this conversation.

Goo watched in interest, this was the first time he saw Gun so. . jealous ?

"Then why didn't you respond in your spare time?"
He frowned, now standing mere inches away from his face.

M/n was starting to get annoyed "You're not my mom. I don't have to tell you every single detail of my life."

Guns face scrunched in anger, he roughly grabbed M/n's wrist, stopping him from leaving.

Oh for fucks sake

Although his wrist didn't hurt, M/n really needed to take a shit.

M/n quickly grabbed the back of Guns neck, shoving him onto the table and twisting the hand holding his in the process.

The sudden impact caused Guns glasses to slide down the bridge of his nose. Revealing his shocked white irises staring right at him.

M/n leaned in closer to whisper in his ear, his body pressing onto Guns. "I'm not your Bitch so you can push around and tell me what to do. Do that again, and I promise you I will make you my Bitch, got that?"
(Was that necessary? No. Did I still write it? . . Yes. I was bored, don't judge me.)

Gun was shocked by the sudden statement, slightly smirking at the last part.

Looks like he didn't entirely 'hate' the whole situation.

To be honest, M/n was just spouting whatever nonsense that came to mind. But soon after he realized what he had said and had no choice but to continue.

I mean, he's gone this far, why stop?

"Now leave me alone.
I gotta go take a shit."
He said, finally releasing Gun from his grasp.

"And stop eating my food!" He yelled from across the hall.

Goo flinched, quickly placing the bag of chips back into the convenience store bag. Fearing what might be done to him.

He sweat dropped, how did he know?

Unlike Gun, he wasn't a masochist; he wanted to be cherished.

M/n slapped himself, did I really just say all that?
He rubbed his face with warm water. Whatever. . I just need some sleep

Next day-

M/n's eyes snapped open, feeling two heavy weights on both sides.

He glanced down to see both Gun and Goo shamelessly sleeping on him.

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