Vascos B-Day!

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M/n rose up like a Zombie, his eyes snapping wide open at the realization of something.

He cautiously turned towards his calendar, his tired eyes landing on the marked date: Vascos B-day

He visibly sulked, not wanting to leave the comfort his bed provided. He flopped back into his bed, slightly shivering from the now cold blankets.

It's not that he didn't want to celebrate Vascos. B-day, he just didn't wanna go out, especially when it's freezing outside.

Turning he sees the other side of the bed slightly ruffled and empty.

Looks like Jake left before M/n woke up.

He sighed.
Is this what girls feel like after a hookup?

He shook his head at the random thought

Ring ring ring

M/n groaned at the sudden sound of his backup alarm, quickly turning it off before any of his neighbors could complain.

After a long moment of silence he finally got up with his blanket wrapped around his body.

He stumbled down the short hallway and headed towards the kitchen, the smell of fresh pancakes pulled him into a trance.


M/n, your awake-"

M/n subconsciously wrapped his arms around the person in front of him. He felt their body stiffen as he leaned onto them, his drowsiness getting the better of him.

"Jake ?"

M/n asked in the said person's neck, sending shivers down their spine.
"I thought you left  . " He said, shifting his head so that it lay on Jake's shoulder.

". . Well, I couldn't leave you here with the door open."
He explained, while trying to process the unfamiliar feeling of someone pressing onto his back.

* Btzzz Bzzz *

"Hold on"
Jake set down the spatula, quickly rummaging through his pockets to answer his phone.

M/n let go at the sound of a gruff voice calling Jake's name, his face scrunched, who?

"Sorry but could you watch over the pancakes while I take this call?"
Jake asked, covering his phone.

M/n nodded.
Washing his hands before flipping the pancakes with his bare hands.

Wonder who he's talking to. He thought, looking over to where Jake was standing in the hall.

After a few minutes the last pancake was done. He contemplated for a moment on using dishes or just eating it straight from the pan.

Glancing back at Jake he reluctantly pulled out two sets of plates and placed them onto the table along with 3 pancakes stacked on top of each other.

M/n turned around at the sound of rushed footsteps and jingling keys.

"Jake ? You're leaving already?"

Jake paused, his shoulders slumped forward as he turned around with an uneasy expression.
". .  ."

".  . It's ok if you are, just wait a sec. I'll pack it for you."

Jake frantically waved his hand in front of him, "No, it's fine. You don't have to-"

*GROWLL ! ! ~*

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