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┬┴┬┴┤ل͟ ʘ) -hi

"So I'm free to go?"

The nurse nodded as she wrote down M/n's time of leave on her clipboard.

"And the expenses?"
He asked while anxiously fiddling with the strap of his bag.

"Will be covered by the Retreat Camp"
The nurse smiled, finally looking up from her clipboard.

Truth be told, there was gossip going around the hospital. Both Nurses and Doctors talking about a high school boy gauging out the eyes of a rapist. It was sensational! Though, they made sure to keep it discreet around other patients to keep M/n's privacy.

Which was why they treated M/n with such care(more than they would a normal patient). And also the reason behind some of them nodding at him in respect.

But M/n was oblivious to it all.

He sighed in relief, bidding her and the others goodbye as he left the building.

His eyes lighten up at the sight of a blond sitting on a bench nearby.

"Jay, I thought you said you were busy."
M/n said as he walked up to him.

Jay shook his head, rummaging through his pocket and pulling out two tickets.

'Are you free this thanksgiving?'

Time skip- Train

"Oh look, Daniels here too."

M/n looked at Jay, searching for a reaction. Only to find,

nothing .

Isn't he supposed to be chasing after Daniel right now?

He panicked, M/n had to do something before they boarded the train or else the whole storyline would change.

"*cough* Common, let's go say Hi,"
He proceeded to grab his hand and pull him towards Daniel's direction.
"Wouldn't it be funny if we all went to the same place ?" M/n blurted out, hoping he would take the hint.

Jay glanced at both Daniel and M/n.

He was hoping to spend time with you, and you alone. But seeing how 'happy' you were to see Daniel he decided to do the best thing.
The thing to make you happy.

"M/n , Jay ?"
A glint appeared in his eyes at the sight of the two. But quickly disappeared as soon as he saw both of your hands intertwined. He felt his chest tighten, confused about what it was.
Am I getting heart problems?

M/n: "Yo" He greeted nonchalantly, still unknowingly holding Jay's hand.

Daniel: ".  .  um.  Are you guys going somewhere too?"

M/n: "Yeah, where are you going?"

Daniel: "me? Oh, I'm just going to visit a friend's house in Sunukdo.
But, where are you guys going?"

Jay crushed the tickets in his hands, 'Speaking' before M/n could. 'Same place.'

M/n quietly cheered in his head. Shuffling in his chair, making himself comfortable for the long ride to Sunukdo. My buns are so gonna hate me for this.




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