Fuck my life

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Fuck my life

M/n limps through the room, muttering obscenities every now and then.

Everyone took notice of M/n's bad mood and made sure to be out of his way.

Finally being able to sit down M/n gently places his injured foot onto the table in front of him. Popping in his earbuds he starts scrolling through his playlist picking out his favorite song. Digging through his bag he pulls out a bag full of his favorite pastries.

Just as he was about to take a bite out of the sugary goodness he felt a light tap on his shoulder. Annoyed that someone ruined his peaceful morning, he slowly turns his head to the side. Eyes softening as he meets the faces of his four concerned friends.

Jay: 'What happened to your ankle?'
He 'says' gesturing towards M/n's poorly wrapped ankle.

M/n: "ah-this thing. I just twisted it"

Zack: "How?"

M/n: " . . . *avoids eye contact* I'd rather not say"

Zoe: "Does it hurt?"

M/n: "Only when I put pressure on it."

Mira: "Why didn't you go to the doctor?"

M/n's brows furrow as he recalled the last time he went to the doctor. "Too expensive" he says

Zack: "Well you could've at least wrapped it properly." He says face palming

M/n shrugs "Don't know how to"

Zack sighs and motions for M/n to follow him.

M/n: ( • . • ) ?

Zack: "I'll fix it for you."

M/n: ( 0 o 0 ) "Ok"

Suddenly, Zack and Zoe burst out laughing. While Mira tried to muffle her laugh.

M/n's eyes narrow, "what?"

Zack: "What is that?!" Refers to M/n's wooden cane.

Zoe: "You look like an old man! Hehe"

I'm too tired to deal with their shit.

M/n leaves them to choke on their spit. Now making his way to the nurse's office.

Zack: "Wait, M/n where are you going?"

M/n: "Away from you" *sticks up middle finger*

Opening the door to the nurses office. He slowly limps towards the bed.
Sighing he throws his cane aside and flops onto the bed, sinking into the soft white cushion. Slowly closing his eyes and drifting to sleep.

Vin POV:

"Shit! Mary let go of me!" Vin says grimacing at the sharp pain in his left ear.

"Shut up! You're so annoying!" Mary says while dragging him to the nurses office.

They both argue left and right as people avoid them like the plague.

Mary shoves Vin in the room making sure to lock it from the outside.

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