Booze and Bitches

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A/n: Didn't include M/n in the modeling chap cuz he's too average to be considered a model.

It was a perfectly nor-


"Did you sleep well?"

M/n turned away from the sound, peeking a little to see Crystal staring at the thing behind him.

"What are you thinking about?"
The voice was now closer to him.

That's when he realized Daniel was talking to him.

"Hm?" He turned to look at Daniel

"Did you sleep well?" Daniel repeated in slurred words.

"Well I was sleeping well until you woke me up from my nap."

"Huh? Oh sorry."

M/n pinched his nose at the strong smell of alcohol. "How much did you drink?"


"Don't answer that. Daniel, just go back to your seat. And let me sleep." He said, waving him off.

Time skip- Lunch

They're fighting again.

He watched as Daniel and Vasco got into a fighting stance.

"I hate him."
Crystal said, glaring at Daniel.

"Don't you think he's cool?"
Eli asked, surprised by her sudden statement.

"Handsome guys.
They think they are the shit"

"That is a very hypocritical way of thinking if you ask me." M/n blurted out.

They both looked to the right to see M/n chewing on a piece of gum.

"You're just saying that because he's your friend." Crystal retorted.

"I'm saying this in general.
You said you're not obligated to like someone based on their looks, and you're right. You aren't, and they aren't either."

". . Where are you going with this?"

"Saying someone thinks they 'are the shit'. When that person themselves feels entitled enough to judge a person based on what they see and not what they know is really. Stupid."
He bluntly stated.

They both stood quiet.

"I'm sorry, did I steal your spotlight?"
He asked sarcastically, a hint of amusement in his voice as he glanced at the two walking statues.

Usually he would choose to say nothing but today he was feeling mischievous.

That's when he realized.

Shit .

Did I ruin what was supposed to make Eli like Crystal?

M/n cautiously glanced at the overthinking Eli, hope not.

Just as M/n was about to leave to sit at his usual table he felt a tap on his shoulder.

He turned around, his e/c eyes locked with Eli's black ones.

"If it's ok with you, can we ea-"

Before Eli could finish Daniel cut him off.
"M/n! Let's eat together!"

M/n sighed. "We always eat together.
Go sit, I'm eating with Eli today." M/n stated as if he was telling a dog a command.

Eli lighted up at those words while Daniel stood there shocked.

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