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"Have a Great day!" the lady said as M/n and Yeon walked out of the store.

"Yeon, was this really necessary?" M/n said, carrying a few small bags on each side of his shoulder. I'm so glad it was cheap.

Yeon: "Of course it was. You needed new clothes and I needed to pay a friend a visit. I say it's a win win. Anyways, you have to be fabulous for your first date."

M/n: "It's not a da-nevermind. . ."

"So who is the lucky man?" she jokingly asks, wiggling her eyebrows and nudging M/n's side.

Now that I think about it. . . This place looks familiar.

Especially that bald head.

M/n didn't notice he was staring at the tall bald man for a good while. Until Yeon started to drag him away.

Wait . . . Is that?


"Well well well What do we have here?"
A group of boys swarmed M/n and Yeon.

The girls from the store came out with frying pans, threatening them to stay away. The group of boys only ignored them.
Yeon grabbed onto M/n out of fear.

"What's a pretty girl like you hanging out with a guy like him?" one said
"Come with us. You'll have a great time." another said smirking
They all snickered as they stepped forward.

M/n: "Yeon. Get in the store, lock it, and don't come out unless I say so." M/n said while handing Yeon the bags of clothes.

Yeon hesitated "But-"

"Kay?" M/n said smiling at her

She nodded and quickly went inside the store. Locking it like M/n said.

The group of boys looked at M/n amused.
One of them walked up to M/n saying
"And what are you going to do? You can't even stand on your own two feet!"

They all laughed.

M/n sighed. "I don't need to"
M/n said as he headbutted the guy closest to him. Breaking the boy's nose in the process.

They stopped laughing, now staring at their unconscious friend on the ground.

M/n: "You know. . . we don't have to do this. We can all leave, peacefully. Go our separate ways."

"Or not" M/n said as he dodged a punch to the face.

Using the crutches to keep him from falling he lifts his good leg. Effortlessly kicking the boy aside. Causing the boy to go flying towards another one of his friends, knocking them both out cold.

M/n: "Just remember. . . You asked for this." he said in a calm voice.

One came rushing towards him with a knife, just when he was close enough. M/n used one of his crutches to smash against the side of the guy's head. Sending him flying and crashing towards the brick wall.

That's four down, three more to go.

"w-Who the hell are you?!" one said backing away

M/n: "Just a normal guy trying to get through life. . Now, Who's next?" He said, whipping away some of the blood that went on his face.

They paled, fear filled their eyes the longer they looked at M/n.
One of them finally gained enough courage to run away, the rest in tow.

M/n looked at them with disappointed eyes, "Damn, and just when I was starting to get a hang of it."

"M/n!" Yeon yelled as she ran to M/n, examining him for any injuries. "Are you ok?"

"I'm perfectly fine, Yeon. Don't worry."

"Whew~ That was quite a show you put there pretty boy."

M/n: "Hm?" turning around he met three familiar faces he only ever saw on his phone.
Brad, Jerry, and Jason

"You're late!" the girls scolded
The three boys sweat dropped.

"Sorry" they said, head drooping.

"You better be! Look, this poor kid could have gotten hurt!"
They all turned towards M/n.

Jason smirked, throwing his arm over M/n shoulder. "But he didn't! Look, He's fine!"

"He's in crutches. How did he manage to take them all on his own?" Brad asked.
They all now looked at M/n for an answer.

M/n shrugged "Luck I guess?"

"Luck my ass! You have to be some crazy lunatic to believe that" Jason says

"What's your name?" Jerry asks

M/n: "M/n and that's Yeon" Yeon smiles and waves to the three boys.

Jerry: "I'm Jerry," he says, sticking his hand out.

They both shake hands.

Brad and Jason both introduce themselves as well.
After a moment of talking with each other M/n decides that it's time to leave.

"You're always welcome here." the girls said, smiling as they waved goodbye.
M/n smiled and nodded.

"See you M/n!" The three boys said as M/n walked away.

Walking around the familiar town he stumbled upon a familiar face.


Zoe: Turns around "M/n? What are you dining here?" Her eyes widen as she takes notice of the blood stains on his shirt. "Is that blood? a-Are you ok?"

M/n: "Oh that. Don't worry. It's just ketchup" he said, when really it was in fact dried blood.
"Nice pouch btw. It really suits you." M/n says with a sweet smile, ignoring the nasty cockroach(Yui) trying to get his attention.

Zoe's eyes sparkle "I know right. It's so cute!"

M/n: Checking the time on his phone he decides it's time to leave. "Anyways, it's getting late, I have to go. See you tomorrow Zoe" M/n says waving goodbye.

Zoe: "Yeah, bye M/n" she says gleaming with joy.

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