Sleeping Beauty

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Stretching his limbs.
He leans back
Rubbing his eyes, he blankly stares at the man in front of him.


" . . . /n?"


"I'm sorry, can you repeat that? I wasn't paying attention. . ."

The middle aged man sighs
"I was going to ask you if you could deliver these items to a client. . If you do, I'll be paying you extra. But seeing as your not well-"

"I'll do it"
Eyes shining at the thought of more money.

"Good work today!"
A coworker calls out to him as he leaves the building.

What did I just do?


"Ok. Here," the man hands m/n a black box and a piece of paper "and this is the address. After this you're done for the day. This is a very important client. So you have to be there by 10, ok? Good luck"
The old man smiles, gently shoving M/n out the door.

*End of flashback*

I'm such a dumbass

Placing the box down at a nearby bench, he rubs his face.
Letting out a deep sigh, he continues to walk down the crowded street, box in hand.

I'm. So. Fucking. Tired.

His arms and legs ache from having to run around carrying orders all day.
He was exhausted mentally and physically.
It took everything he had to stay awake and not pass out right then and there.

After a while of walking, he finally made it to his destination.

Standing in front of a large black metal door he checks himself.
Straightening his clothes and hair.
Checking the time on his phone to see it was 9:50 pm.
Letting out a sigh of relief he hesitantly rings the doorbell.

* R i i i n g ! ~ *


Who's this?"

M/n's head jolted up at the familiar goofy voice.


Goo grinned at the familiar face.
"M/n? What are you doing here?"

Before he could say anything Goo interrupts him.

"Man you look like shit"

Goo opens the door dragging M/n inside by the arm.


"Take off your shoes and put these on"
Goo takes the box and hands him a pair of slippers.

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