Dating advice

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Zoe: Looking at Daniel and Yui she couldn't help but think They are a perfect couple.

"Just looking at them makes me want to bleach my eyes balls"

Zoe looks to her side to see M/n scowling at the sight of Daniel and Yui together. She giggled, causing M/n to look at her.


Zoe hums looking at him to continue.

M/n hesitates "Can I borrow $5? I left my wallet at home." He says scratching the back of his head in embarrassment.

Before she could even respond, Jay comes zooming in with a black box.

M/n: "huh? Jay?"

Jay: 'This is for you. Here. Take it.'

Opening the box, M/n's eyes shimmer with happiness. Smelling the heavenly aroma that wafted off his f/f.

M/n couldn't contain his happiness any longer as he carefully placed the box down and lunged at Jay screaming "I Love you, Jay!" wrapping his arms around Jay's neck while Jay held onto M/n's waist to keep him from falling.

Jay blushed a deep red at this sudden action. He felt like he was going to pass out.

M/n's face broke out in a cheeky grin discarding the whispers and stares around him.

Time skip-Lunch

It's so peaceful. I wish it was like this every day.
M/n held a blissful look while munching on his f/f.


Guess not.
M/n's head shot up. Glaring at the culprit who ruined his vibe.
"Whaaat?" He said, irritation evident in his voice.

The three boys pushed Mira forward.

Mira sighed and began to explain why they were there.

M/n: ".   .   .so let me get this straight, y'all came here *circling his fork in front of them* to ask me if the rumor about me dating Jay is true?"

They all nodded

M/n: "Can't this wait? I'm eating"

They shake their heads.

He sighed "I get why they're here, but why are you here?" He says looking at Vin

Vin sweat drops at the sudden attention "Mary made come me here"

"Don't bring me into this you dipshit!" Mary yelled from across the room.

" (- . -  ) .     .      .whatever, and no. Jay and I aren't dating." M/n finally said.

Zack, Vasco, and Vin all sighed in relief. Clearing their throat as they made excuses to leave.

M/n gave them a strange look. "That was weird" he muttered

Time skip-end of the day

M/n and Jay's conversation was interrupted by a loud ding sound coming from M/n's pocket.

Checking his phone his face cringes at the weird message.

Yeon: So lover boy, where's your date going to be?

M/n: why? So you can stalk me?

Yeon: What? No, I'm just curious

M/n: It's going to be at xxchicken place

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