Where's the fries?

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(This one will be short)

The next day M/n bumped into the both of them again, but this time instead of big Daniel and little Crystal, it was little Daniel and big Crystal.

Is that a dog house?"

Used some of the stuff from the architecture department."
He said, gently placing it next to the barking dog.

It was big enough to house Enu and her soon to be pups, he brought a dog bed and placed it inside for her to be more comfortable when giving birth.

He gently lifted her from the ground and placed her inside her new home. Ignoring the new marks carved into his body.

Crystal watched in interest, she was surprised by his actions of kindness. He's nice? she thought.

She watched M/n cheer on Enu as she gave birth. Her eyes shone a glint of light, maybe . . he's not so bad?

Time skip- School

M/n slid the door open, just in time to see Vin walking out, defeated.

What happened to him?

He looked around the classroom, and felt an awkward vibe. Seriously, why is everyone acting like this?

He looked to his right, to see Crystal eyeing him. His eyes shone a bright light at the sight of food.

Crystal: Him too? Her eyes narrowed, thinking M/n was walking up to her to ask for her number. She frowned. Of course, he's the same as the rest.

M/n: "So, if no one's gonna eat those *points at burgers* you won't mind if I take them for myself, right?"

Crystal stared at him in shock, that's what he wanted to ask? " . . Help yourself."

"Thanks!" M/n took the box of burgers to his desk and munched away.

"Would've been better with fries."
He mumbled

"What are you staring at?
These are mine!"
He said, hugging his box of burgers protectively

*a few months later

"I need to send them to someone I can visit often.
So . .
Zack. ."

I can't! "

"Well . .then, what about you M/n?"

M/n shook his head, "I'm mostly at work so I won't have time to take care of them. But I can help you with the expenses until you find someone you trust to take care of them."

"You would?!" He asked with hope in his eyes.

"Yeah, why not?"

In the end, Jay ended up adopting the 4 pups, not wanting M/n to give away his hard earned money. And so that M/n could visit him more often.

Time skip- friends

"He has no friends.
He thinks everyone's hi-"

M/n smacked the back of Doo's head, making him bite his tongue. "Don't say things you'll regret."

"And you. *glares at Zack* stop looking gloomy. If you don't have any friends, what does that make me?"

Zack lightened up hearing him say that.
"A nuisance."

M/n's eye twitched "Why you little-"

"h-Hey, no fighting!"
Daniel said as he tried his best to hold back M/n.

Next day- Quasimodo

"You're not going?"
Jace asked as they passed each other in the hallway.

"Construction site? Nah, they'll be fine."
M/n brushed it off, the boy brought himself into that problem. So if his friends wanna go play hero, they can. He's just not gonna go follow them like a love sick puppy.

Plus he knows how it'll play out, no one gets hurt in the end so there's no point in him going.


"Feed me, M/n.
I can't use my hands."

"You don't need a spoon to eat, just use your mouth . *sees Zack sulking* . *sigh* fine, here."


Why is he making me do this?
Why not ask Mira?
She's sitting right there!

"M/n, more. Ahhh~"



Everyone else watched Zack being fed by M/n in envy and jealousy.

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