Date night!

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It was a regular day at school and M/n was talking with Mira about homework.

"It's a handkerchief. I bought it for you, Zack."

Mira's ears perk up at this and she stops talking. Seeing as Mira was clearly bothered about something, M/n also decided to eavesdrop.

Oh~ Someone's jealous~

Time skip-end of day

Walking home Zack kept trying to explain himself.

"Hey M/n, Mira. . It's not what you think. . "

Mira: "Whatever . . Why do you bother? There's nothing between us anyways."

Damn, that's harsh.

Zack: "You believe me, right M/n?" Zack asks desperately

M/n snickered at Zacks expression. Before he could answer a guy came out of nowhere asking for a fight. Which made Mira even more angry at Zack.

M/n pats Zacks shoulder, handing him a chocolate bar. "Don't cry. You look ugly when you cry"

Zack starred at M/n's smiling face.

M/n: checking the time on his phone "Anyways, I have to go. Or I'll be late for work. Bye" M/n says walking away.

Next day-

He was wearing a long light f/c pastel color floral dress and a wig that was the same shade of h/c as his. And a pair of white pointed heels with pearls wrapping around his ankle. A small f/c purse that matched his dress and makeup perfectly. Yeon was especially excited and made sure to make him extra pretty. He wore a small butterfly necklace that Yeon gave him and a pink lip gloss that the girls gifted him, which originally was supposed to be for his date but he kept it instead.

People gawked at him, whispering and pointing at the beautiful 'girl' standing in front of the xxchicken place.
What are they looking at?
He turns around to see his own reflection.

Woah~ Who's that hottie?
He waves at his reflection, winking, and blowing a kiss.
Yeah, I'd date me too.

Unbeknownst to him there were two people staring right at him on the other side of the window.
Guy #1: "Hello~" he says as he waves.
Guy #2: He watches the woman, amused. "Dumbass. That wasn't for you."
Guy #1: "Pft-So who was it for then, you?"
Guy #2: He hums, "Why are you even here?"

Moments later Vasco arrives.

Vasco: *clears throat "You look pretty"

M/n: "Thank you. You look good too."
NO WAY! He fucking SHAVED! AND HE'S WEARING A SUIT?! Must've been Jace.
Why does it look good tho? Too good.
Shaking his head from those thoughts he tells Vasco they're going to a Dog Cafe.
What am I thinking?

As they were walking his phone rang.
Yeon: "MAKE MOVES GIRL! Hold his hand! Wrap your arm around his! Do something!"
M/n: "w-Bu-"

She hung up
Letting out a small huff, he weasels hand through the small gap in Vasco's arm. Hugging it, closing the space between them.

Vasco stiffens.

( o . o) Damn, I can feel his muscles.
So this is what it feels like to hold the arm of a man who works out 24/7

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