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Just as M/n arrived at the location Jake gave him, he was surprised to see Jake already waiting for him outside the restaurant. And an expensive one too. .

Something felt off, he could feel it in the pit of his stomach, but he decided to brush it off. . . I'm probably just hungry.

The food was good, the conversation? Impeccable.

Everything about this—the atmosphere—the music, . .him.

It was relaxing.

So why did he have to ruin it?

Why did he have to ask such an absurd question?

Why did he have to make you realize his intentions? And question your friendship?

M/n swallowed the remaining food in his mouth before responding to Jake's question.
". . .Do I know Gun?. Why are you asking me about him all of a sudden?" M/n's carefree expression was replaced with a serious one as he carefully set down his utensils, his e/c eyes never leaving Jake's.

Jake felt a small chill run down his spine the longer he stared at M/n's blank eyes, something was wrong.

" . I-. . "
Jake couldn't respond, just what was he supposed to say?

"You already know the answer so why ask?"

Jake cleared his throat, "Are you.?. . "

" 'Am I' what??"

"Are you two close?"
Jake's grip on his fork tightened.

M/n thought for a moment, recalling the moments he was with him and sighed.
" . . Maybe."

Jake noticed the corners of his mouth curve upwards ever so slightly and felt his chest tighten.

"M/n, we're friends, right?" Jake clenched his fists.

"Depending on what you ask next will determine if we stay friends." M/n answered nonchalantly.

Jake gulped anxiously, then asked his last question.

. . .

M/n was startled for a moment but quickly regained his composure. " . So that's it, huh? That's what you wanted to ask? . . Sorry to tell you, but you got the wrong person for this."
He then slammed a few bills on the table before getting up to leave.
"There. That should cover my portion of the bill."

"Wait-" Jake went to reach for M/n but paused when he met his eyes.

"Is he the reason you got close to me?."

" . . "

M/n scoffed " . .God I'm such an idiot. For a second I thought your actions were genuine." He scowled at him in disgust.

Was all M/n uttered as he walked away.

But really, when he said that, he wasn't talking to Jake, but to himself.

Jake pov:
Jake let out a deep sigh, cupping his face in frustration.

Why did I ask that?

M/n's face of disgust remained drilled into his head.

He recalled M/n's fists that were clenched tightly, trembling with anger, but still remaining at his side.
Why. . didn't you hit me?

. . .

Why am I like this? . . Is this regret?

Jake's eyes widen in realization, I can't let him go like this—I have to clear up the misunderstanding. .

He quickly pulled out a few bills from his wallet, slamming it onto the table to cover the rest of the bill and ran out of the restaurant in search of M/n.

After a minute of searching, he found M/n turning a corner a block away from him. There!

If I can just explain to him why I'm doing this—about Sinu, I'm sure he will understand. He'll forgive me. He won't look at me with those eyes anymore—

Jake abruptly stopped at the sound of a familiar voice.

"So, what's wrong?"


Goo? With . M/n?

"You asked me to pick you up, but you won't even tell me that?"
Goo sighed, opening the front passenger door, "Well? What are you waiting for? Get in, it's going to rain soon."

"You're not gonna keep asking?"

Goo shook his head, "last time someone did that (referring to Gun) I almost died with them just because you were pissed off."

M/n chuckled, "sorry."

Goo smiled, "You're smiling again."

M/n felt a droplet land on the top of his nose.
". Your right, it is going to rain."

Jake gritted his teeth as he watched the car drive off.
. . .I was late

End of pov. .

" . Goo, I'm hungry. "

"What do you want to eat?"

M/n smirked. " . You."

Goo blushed a deep red, " You-."

M/n chuckled at his flushed face. "Cute. . " he mumbled subconsciously.

wait . . 'Cute'??!
Did I seriously think he was cute?!

"d-Don't joke around like that!"
Goo pouted, turning his face away from M/n.


. . .

( *—-*)
I. Have. Absolutely. No. Idea. Where this will go. So don't have any expectations. Sorry to disappoint.
I hope you enjoyed these two short chapters and I hope you continue to stay alive. Anyways, byes.


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