Honey Butter Chips

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"Thanks for helping out M/n"

M/n : "No problem. . I'm still getting paid, right?"

He chuckles "Of course"


M/n turns around smiling, in a cheerful voice he greets the newcomers.
His face drops when he sees who's at the door.

What's Zack and Mira doing here?

Zack : "You!" *Points at M/n

Mira : nudging Zacks arm to shut up "M/n? What are you doing here?"

M/n : "ah this? I'm helping out a friend, since this place was packed and they were understaffed. "

Zack : "You have friends?!"


Mira nudges him again whispering "don't be rude"

M/n : In a sarcastic voice he says "Yes, I have friends. Real life human friends. Unlike those out of the world aliens you call friends."

Zack was annoyed but calmed down when he remembered his promise to Mira

After getting them both signed in M/n was left there to tend to the other people in line.

M/n suddenly gets pushed aside by his friend.

M/n : "wa-hey! What'd you do that for?"

Friend Noah : "Go on, I'll handle it from here." Smiling he gestures M/n to leave "It's your break anyways" he turns around, tending to the person in line

M/n sighs and decides to go to the snack shop.

On his way to the snack shop He sees the Apes from last time.


Not wanting to deal with their shit he quickly turns away, speed walking to the boys room.

He takes a seat near the windows to feel the fresh breeze while reading his book.

From a distance he can see the same apes stealing a bag of Honey Butter Chips and eating it mercilessly. While they taunt Zack.

Can't they just shut up? I'm getting to the good part.
They only get louder as they throw rolled paper towards Zack.

A tick mark forms at the side of M/n's forehead. Slamming his book shut.


His voice echoed throughout the whole library.

They all stop, everything goes quiet. The apes slowly turned towards the voice. A sly expression slowly formed on their faces as they recognized M/n's face. Zack's eyes widened, shocked to see you of all people step up.

Apes : "pft-hahahahahaha"
"Hey! It's the other wuss that didn't do anything!"
"You?! What are you going to do?!"

It all happened in a flash.
M/n had taken out a pen. Forcefully grabbing the head of one of the Apes. Striking his pen only to stop a mere millimeter away from touching the Apes eye.

They all sweat drop. The Apes soul coming out of his body.

Suddenly Noah comes barging in.

Noah : "M/N! PLEASE don't start a fight. If you do, do it outside."

M/n : Quickly pulled away from the apes face and hid his pen behind his back "Ah-um no I wasn't doing anything." He says while smiling innocently
"Right" He says through gritted teeth while looking menacingly at the Ape

Ape : "y-Yeah, he's right!"

Noah : shrugging his shoulders he says "Anyways, come. I need help sorting out some documents."

M/n : sluggishly walking to the door "I better be getting paid extra"
"Can't ever get a break" he mumbles

After M/n and Noah leave the apes sigh in relief going back to taunting Zack. Not wanting to fight because of the promise he made, he leaves.


Zack was sitting on the bench trying to calm himself.


Looking to his side he finds a smoothie with a note attached to it saying
'Calm down'

He looked around hoping to find the kind person who gave him the smoothie. Only to find that the person had already left.

Inserting the straw, he takes a sip. A burst of flavors flowed in his mouth at once. His eyes beam with delight.

It's good.

The smoothie was tropical flavored

Mira : "Zack
Were those guys trying to start something?"

Zack : "Start something? Nah . . It was nothing. " forcing a smile, he continues to drink his smoothie

Ape : Putting his hand on Zacks head, he proceeds to ruin Zacks combed and gelled hair "Hey wuss. This your girl? Pretty hehe-"

Zack : My Hair! It took me 40 minutes
" . . Could you guys bugger off please?"

Ape : "ew I got grease on my hand" rubs his hand on Zacks shoulder
Turning towards Mira he says "Hey there . I kinda like you. So give me your number."

Mira : She looks away, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear "No. Sorry."

The two Bitches in the back : "She's fake" "Eyes, nose, chin, she's got them all done."

Ape : "If you're so great, why are you with this loser?"

Mira : "What? How rude! Let's go Zack."

Zack : "ok . ."

Ape : Going behind Mira, he slings his arm over her shoulder "Anyways, aren't all J high chicks all sluts" his hand touched her chest

Not even a second later did Zack react, knocking him down with one punch.

Zack : "Sorry Mira. I don't think I can keep my promise." He says as he proceeds to beat up the remaining apes that have been bothering him throughout the day.

While he was doing that M/n saw a chance to give Mira some Honey Butter Chips.

M/n : tapping Mira's shoulder "Here" he hands Mira a bag of Honey Butter Chips

Mira : "Is this for me"

M/n : "Yeah, Zack told me to give them to you. Don't tell him I told you that though, ok?"

Mira giggles, nodding her head. M/n quickly left before Zack could see him.

Zack : Turns to the two Bitches saying "Hey, you two. Mira's all natural. You donkeys. "

"What'd he say?" "How rude"

Time skip

Zack texts Mira, apologizing about breaking his promise to not fight.

Zack : Sorry Mira

Mira : Whatever
Really don't be like that
Thanks for the Honey Butter Chips Zack

Zack stared eye wide at his phone

Zack : huh?-oh
yeah your welcome
He texts, confused he suddenly remembers the mysterious person who gave him the smoothie.
Was this also them?

Looking over to the hand written note he can't help but smile.

Who are you?

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