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Ringg Rinngg~


Hello ?

[M/n! I know its late and I'm sorry. . but it's an emergency. Can you please–]

I'm on my way.


M/n frantically put on the first shoes he could find, which were his sandals.
The cool air brushed his skin as he ran through the crowd. He didn't question why he was needed, all he focused on was the urgency in the callers voice and getting there on time.


"I came as fast as I could.
*circling Daniel* You don't look hurt, so why did you call me?


"What the hell happened to you? You look like shit."
Zack spoke from the side.

M/n stood there seemingly unfazed by the rude comment and instead looked around to see Zoe, Jay, a grape, Crystal . and. . jiho

Upon seeing Jiho's pathetic state, something clicked.

Daniel frantically waved his hands. "Um, You didn't let me finish. I was going to ask if you could help us help Jiho. He got into some trouble gambling." He explained nervously.

M/n hummed and glanced down to look at Jiho who was gripping his towel anxiously.

Before he could respond to Daniel, a small grape hopped down from the counter and began to sniff out his scent.
"You smell familiar. . " he said with a hand on his chin.

M/n glanced down, his eyes catching a glimpse of purple hair.
"Who's kid is this?" He asked, not bothering to get a better look at the grape in front of him.

The said kid frowned, "I'm not a kid. I'm Kouji"


M/ns monotone voice irked the little guy.
"I can easily hack into your phone and get all kinds of information. . including your history."

M/n smirked "Oh yeah?"


M/n bent down to meet Kouji's eyes.
"Go ahead, I have nothing to hide."

Kouji's eyes widened in surprise. "You- "

"And while you're at it, can you tell me what my password for xxx game is? I forgot."

Kouji was speechless

M/n huffed at his silence . "If you can't do it it's fine. Just say so."

Kouji clenched his fists tightly, "I can do far more than what your puny brain can imagine."

M/n smirked and leisurely shrugged his shoulders. "Sure you can. . ." He then looked towards the group in silence before taking his leave.

Before he could step out the door, Daniel called out to him. "M/n! wh-Where are you going?"

"Seven people should be more than enough people to pull off this job. And. . I need to pay someone a visit.." He said with his back facing Daniel.

Daniel's eyes softened, he didn't know where M/n was going, but the mere hesitation in his voice was more than enough to stop him from questioning any further. "Ok then be careful."

M/n nodded in acknowledgment, taking a few steps forward before blowing into a full sprint towards his destination.

He ignored the many stares and scowls sent his way as he zipped through the crowd. Cars beeped at him as he violated traffic laws. The cool breeze brushed his skin, and he felt a small droplet land atop his head, then another on his nose, his arms, and soon, a drizzle of rain turned into a full rainstorm.
His open feet would come in contact with puddles of water but he didn't mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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